Tag Archives: Rum

Admiral’s Old J Cherry Spiced

Admiral's Old J Cherry Spiced Rum Review by the fat rum pirateAdmiral’s Old J Cherry Spiced. Admiral’s Old J or simply Old J as it is more commonly known, is a brand of Spiced Rum popular in the UK. It was introduced initially to fill the “void”, when Sailor Jerry changed their popular UK “formula” to the one more widely available, to the US market and beyond. Hence the Old J – though they never mention a Jerry. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Real McCoy Aged 12 Years Limited Edition

The Real McCoy Aged 12 Years Limited Edition Rum Review by the fat rum pirateThe Real McCoy Aged 12 Years Limited Edition. Yet another rum up for review from the prolific Foursquare Rum Distillery, Barbados. This rum has been “around” for quite some time I first tasted it at the Boutique Rum Festival in London in October 2016. And then I waited……… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dillon Rhum Agricole Blanc 55%

Dillon Rhum Blanc Agricole Rum review Rhum Agricole by the fat rum pirateDillon Rhum Blanc Agricole. Dillon are a producer of Rhum Agricole from the island of Martinique. They produce Blanc (White) and aged Agricole rhum, alongside Sugar Syrups and pre-mixed Rum Punches.

Dillon can trace its history all the way back to 1690 to the original site of the distillery in Fort de France. It was set up by Arthur Dillon, a US soldier. Apparently, he married a well off widow and used her funds to help him purchase the estate. Originally it produced sugar but in the 19th century began producing rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Velier Caroni Distilled 2000 Aged 17 Years TWE Exclusive

Velier Caroni Heavy Trinidad Rum Distilled 2000 Aged 17 Years TWE Exclusive Rum Review by the fat rum pirateVelier Caroni Distilled 2000 Aged 17 Years TWE Exclusive. Here we have another Caroni bottling this time from the masters of Tropically Aged Caroni – Italian wine and spirits importer – Velier.

For this release Velier have teamed up with The Whisky Exchange, to give us a Full Proof Heavy Trinidad Rum. This Velier/TWE Caroni 2000 has been aged for 17 years solely in Trinidad. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Virgin Gorda 1493 Spanish Heritage Rum

Virgin Gorda 1493 Spanish Heritage Rum Review by the fat rum pirateVirgin Gorda 1493 Spanish Heritage Rum. Virgin Gorda is a rum brand from London. The rum is produced and distributed by The Poshmakers 

I have to confess prior to trying this rum I had not heard of The Poshmakers and their other brands (two gins and a vodka) aren’t familiar to me. Maybe they just haven’t reached us up here in the Frozen North. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

An Interview with Mark Reynier – Renegade Rum

An Interview with Mark Reynier Renegade Rum by the fat rum pirateBoth the names of Mark Reynier and Renegade Rum may already be familiar to many of you readers. Undoubtedly more famous in the Whisk(e)y world than in the world of Rum Mark Reynier, has built a reputation for being a bit of a maverick.

Best known for his stint as CEO of Bruichladdich. He resurrected the abandoned distillery and soon Bruichladdich was famous for its exotic (at the time) wine cask finished whiskies. Reynier himself was gaining a reputation as an innovator and spoke of “terroir” in whisky way before such things became trendy. He also succeeded in pissing off the Scotch Whisky Association along the way as well. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum Nation Rare Rums Savanna 2006/2016 10 Year Old

Rum Nation Rare Rums Savanna 10 Year Old Review by the fat rum pirateRum Nation Rare Rums Savanna 2006/2016 10 Year Old. Reunion Island is perhaps not the first place on the map you will think of when the word rum is mentioned. Nor indeed is it when anything else is mentioned either.

Reunion Island or La Reunion is a French Overseas Territory in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar. To be honest it isn’t particularly famous for anything in particular. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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