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Dead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year. Today I’ll be taking a look at another offering from Australian Independent bottler Dead Reckoning. This time they have bottled another rum from the South Pacific Distillery, which is to be found on the
island of Fiji.

Despite the quality of the rums from this distillery, they never seem to have “broken” the international market with their own recognisable brand. So the flag of South Pacific Distillery has often been flown by Independent bottlers. With Berry Bros & Rudd, S.B.S. and now Dead Reckoning being just some of the more prolific bottlers of such rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Black Tot Historic Solera Rum

Black Tot Historic Solera Rum Review by the fat rum pirateBlack Tot Historic Solera Rum This is the latest release in the Black Tot portfolio. I am always a little apprehensive when I see the term “Solera” being used in Rum. I think it is fair to say that a number of producers make claims they are using a “Solera” method when, in truth they are doing no such thing. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Foursquare Equidem

Foursquare Equidem Rum review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare Equidem. Today we have a review of the 27th release in the Foursquare Exceptional Cask Series. The series shows no signs of abating and with a number of Exclusive Cask releases with various retailers and Rum Clubs, it really is becoming nigh on impossible to review EVERY Foursquare release. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink Rum review by the fat rum pirateBounty Spiced Spirit Drink. Today’s review of Bounty is brought to you by St Lucia Distillers. This is not the Bounty brand that is produced by Rum Co. of Fiji.

The two brands seem to co-exist without any litigation – I’m not sure how you could or would go about trademarking something as generic as Bounty. I’m sure if you could Mars would have been onto both these rum companies by now. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

J Gow Fading Light XO

J Gow Fading Light XO rum review by the fat rum pirateJ Gow Fading Light XO. I reviewed the original J Gow Fading Light way back before COVID in 2019. Doesn’t time fly? Since then I have reviewed a few more expressions from this tiny distillery on Lamb Holm, Orkney – all positively I must add. So, today I am quite excited to be trying this longer aged variation of Fading Light. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bedford Park Jamaican Distillery 2000

Bedford Park Jamaican Distillery 2000 rum review by the fat rum pirate Bedford Park Jamaican Distillery 2000. Today we are trying a rum from yet another Scottish Independent bottler- Bedford Park. An offshoot of North Point Distillery who produce their own Spiced and “Regular” rum. I have heard of them and will likely be reviewing their Pilot rum soon. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Don Papa Rum Sherry Casks

Don Papa Rum Sherry Casks review by the fat rum pirateDon Papa Rum Sherry Casks. I’ve not reviewed any Don Papa products for a while. They aren’t a brand that I would ever buy if I’m being honest.

So when it comes to getting reviews of Don Papa, I am often relying on my friends in rum circles being gifted well meaning but sadly misguided bottles which they then “invite” me to sample and review……….. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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