Tag Archives: Colombia

Ron Coloma 8 Anos

Ron Coloma 8 Anos Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Coloma 8 Anos. Ron Coloma are a rum brand from Colombia. They currently have two rums in their portfolio. Today, I am reviewing their 8 Year Old Rum but they also have an older 15 Year Old Rum.

Ron Coloma, hails from the Hacienda Coloma a Coffee Plantation in Fusagasuga, Central Colombia. Both the rum brand and the Hacienda Coloma have their own websites here and here. There are some interesting links to the likes of Parce Rum on the Hacienda’s website. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dictador Best of 1979 41.8% ABV

Dictador Best of 1979 41.8% ABV Rum review by the fat rum pirateDictador Best of 1979 41.8% ABV. A rum almost as old as my good self. Just a year out from my date of birth. Dictador have released a number of these “Best of” rums over the past couple of years. All with quite a lot of ageing to them. On the surface at least.

Dictador state that the “Best Of” series represent a selection from the best and oldest vintages from their collecfion. This collectionhas been developing for over 100 years – since the opening of their distillery in 1913. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rathlee Distilling Co Golden Barrel Aged Rum Aged 3 Years

Rathlee Distilling Co Golden Barrel Aged Rum Aged 3 Years. Rathlee Distilling Co are the brainchild of husbRathlee Distilling Co Golden Barrel Aged Rum Aged 3 Years Rum Review by the fat rum pirateand and wife team Stuart and Paolo Leather. Formed in 2012 they originally released their rum under the Revolver rum brand.

Originally Revolver rum was a blend of rums aged around 18 months to 2 years. They have since been able to further age their stocks in Cornwall. Now the rum is aged for a minimum of 3 years. 2 Years of this is aged in Latin America and a further year here in the UK. It is a column distilled rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dictador Distillery Icon Reserve Aged 20 Years Solera System Rum

Dictador Distillery Icon Reserve Aged 20 Years Solera System Rum review by the fat rum pirateDictador Distillery Icon Reserve Aged 20 Years Solera System Rum.  Quite a mouthful but thats what they’ve put on the label.  Quite how Aged 20 Years and “Solera System Rum” works is anyones guess, however.

Dictador are a rum brand from Colombia. They also have lines of coffee, cigars and gin.  I’ve not been around the rum scene for that long but Dictador 12 was one of the first “premium” rums I bought.  I reviewed it in the early days of this blog. As was one of the aims of this blog I have learnt a great deal about rum since then.  I won’t revisit that review until I have completed this one.  I don’t recall being blown away by Dictador 12 though. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 year Old Anos rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos. The rum hails from Colombia.  It is produced at Industria Licocera de Caldas.  As a result of this quite a lot of the information available online is in Spanish.  I’ve tried translating things but the free translation tools are pretty naff.  So I’ve cobbled together what I could find in English. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

La Hechicera

LA HECHICERA RUM REVIEW BY THE FAT RUM PIRATELa Hechicera pronounced etch-ee-see-rah is Spanish for enchantress.  The rum is a product of Colombia.  I have previously given a very favourable review to a Colombian rum – Dictador 12.  The rum is produced by Casa Santana Ron Y Licores.  The rum is marketed as fine aged premium sipping rum.  Information available suggests that the rum is produced using the “solero” method.  With rums aged between 12 and 21 years. No age statement is present on the bottle or alluded to. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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