Tag Archives: Rum

Lombo do Lombo Rum da Madeira 2023

Lombo do Lombo Rum da Madeira 2023 rum review by the fat rum pirateLombo do Lombo Rum da Madeira 2023. The brand name will likely be unfamiliar to you. Unless, of course you have been fortunate enough to attend one of Peter Holland’s (thefloatingrumshack) masterclasses in Southern England over the past year or so.

However, the name O Reizinho may be more familiar to yourselves. After the William Hinton brand they are the second most recognised Madeiran rum brand I would say. This bottling a collaboration between O Reizinho distillery and local sugarcane farmers Chris and Liz Stevenson. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Mad Monkey Distillery Pure Single Rum Pinot Meunier Cask

Mad Monkey Distillery Pure Single Rum Pinot Meunier Cask rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Mad Monkey Distillery or the Adelaide Rum Distillery is South Australia’s pioneering rum distillery. So they tell us anyway!

The Mad Monkey Distillery opened in 2020. So is a relatively young operation. It was opened by Scott McCarthy and Alec McDowall. The pair originally met back in 2018 at a distillers conference in Adelaide. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Worst Ten Rums……So Far 2024 Edition

Worst Rums.....So Far 2024 by the fat rum pirateIt was way back in November 2017 when I first published a list of the “Worst Ten Rums”. By this point the website had been active for around 3 and a half years. Fast forward to 2024 and I thought it would be interesting to see how a Ten Worst Rums might look now……

Now, I will be publishing this in various rum groups on Facebook as well as here on the website. So I am going to outline the criteria used when compiling this list. I know fine well that this will still not stop people commenting, without first reading this introduction. It might however save me from having to shake my head and roll my eyes at least once! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dead Reckoning T.C.B.

Dead Reckoning T.C.B. Rum review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning T.C.B. Another release from Australian Indie bottlers Dead Reckoning. This time we have a Three Continent Blend (T.C.B.) rather than a rum from a single distillery or even rums from the same Continent.

In this particularly bottling we have rums from South America, Asia and Africa. So three different continents. The rums are sourced from Guyana (South America), Vietnam (Asia) and finally South Africa (Africa). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Black Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024

Black Tot Rum Master Blender's Reserve 2024 review by the fat rum pirateBlack Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024. It seems only fitting to be reviewing the latest release of “Black Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024 today, which is of course Black Tot Day.

It has been 5 years since the Black Tot brand launched their 50th Anniversary Blend to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the abolition of the daily Rum Ration in the British Navy. Black Tot Day 31st July 1970. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years Rum review by the fat rum pirate Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years. Sadly the review of this particular rum is not as a result of a trip to Cuba. Nor is it even the result of a brief sojourn to Europe. It is in fact due to a visit to the Lidl Supermarket on Roker Avenue……..

I appreciate that those of you familiar with this site will be surprised to see someone as sophisticated and refined as myself shopping in a discount German Supermarket. Especially those who have met me. This bottling was of course purchased for me by my domestic help on their weekly shop. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Morvenna White Rum

Morvenna White Rum review by the fat rum pirateMorvenna White Rum. This rum is produced in Bude, Cornwall, England by the Cornish Distilling Co.

The Cornish Distilling Co. is a collaboration between husband and wife team – Richard and Fionagh Harding who run the Norton Barton Artisan Food Village and Tom Read.

Tom who has a PhD in biochemistry and a keen love of cocktails and spirits, alongside side a barista and lifeguard background! Tom is the Head Distiller and is in charge of the day to day production of the rum and gin which is produced at the Cornish Distilling Co. The distillery is located in the Food Village. Which in turn is part of the Harding’s small holding in Cornwall. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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