Tag Archives: Agricole Rhum

Dillon Rhum Agricole Blanc 55%

Dillon Rhum Blanc Agricole Rum review Rhum Agricole by the fat rum pirateDillon Rhum Blanc Agricole. Dillon are a producer of Rhum Agricole from the island of Martinique. They produce Blanc (White) and aged Agricole rhum, alongside Sugar Syrups and pre-mixed Rum Punches.

Dillon can trace its history all the way back to 1690 to the original site of the distillery in Fort de France. It was set up by Arthur Dillon, a US soldier. Apparently, he married a well off widow and used her funds to help him purchase the estate. Originally it produced sugar but in the 19th century began producing rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Clement Rhum Ambre

Rhum Clement Rhum Ambre Rum review by the fat rum pirateRhum Clement Rhum Ambre. Clement as the bottle clearly advises are a rhum agricole producer from the French speaking island of Martinique.

Homère Clément, physician and mayor of Le François, purchased the prestigious 43 hectare sugar plantation, Domaine de L’Acajou in 1887. He pioneered the production of Rhum Agricole. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cor Cor Green – Okinawan Rum

Cor Cor Green Okinawan Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCor Cor Green – Okinawan Rum. Cor Cor is a relatively new rum brand from Japan.  More specifically the Japanese island of South Borodino, Minamidaito, Okinawa.  I can’t say I’m familiar with the region either.  Japanese geography isn’t my strongest subject.

The company responsible for Cor Cor Green are the Grace Rum Company Ltd, formed in 2004.  Although the company is young, the tradition of growing sugar cane on the island dates back hundreds of years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Trois Rivieres Cuvee de Moulin

Trois Rivieres Cuvee de Moulin Rum Review by the fat rum pirateTrois Rivieres Cuvee de Moulin – Rough translation Three Rivers Blend of the Mill.  Is a limited edtion expression from Martinique producer Trois Rivieres.

It is a blend of rums carefully matured for over three years in ex Cognac and Bourbon casks. Marketed as a  “rhum vieux agricole” – aged. The producer advises it can be sipped neat or mixed in cocktails. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum J.M Blanc (50% ABV)

Rhum J.M Blanc 50% White rum review by the fat rum piratRhum J.M are rhum agricole producer from Martinique.  Located in north of the island at the foot of Mount Pelée.  Rhum J.M Blanc is one of the houses less expensive bottlings.  It is a firm favourite amongst agricole lovers that like a bit more bite to their white rum.

Distilling the juice of sugar cane gives birth to this white agricultural rum. All Rhum J.M. AOC rums are produced exclusively from sugar cane grown entirely by the family in the highlands of Bellevue. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bologne Black Cane (2016)

Bologne Black Cane Rum Review by the fat rum pirateBologne Black Cane is a relatively new white rhum agricole from established producer Rhum Bologne. Hailing from the island of Guadeloupe, Rhum Bologne are perhaps best known for the popularity of their rhum blanc.

This is produced in various ABV’s and some is even available by the bag in box method in many French supermarkets.  Have I ever mentioned the variety of white agricole rhum available in French supermarkets at crazy prices?  Wow! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

HSE Black Sheriff

HSE Habitation Saint Etienne Black Sherrif Rum Review by the fat rum pirateHSE or Habitation Saint Etienne are an agricole rhum distiller based on the French speaking island of Martinque.

Habitation Saint Etienne was modelled after “La Maugée”, a sugar refinery covering over 400 hectares from Gros Morne to Saint Joseph in the early 19th century.

In 1909, the property came into the possession of the Simonnet family who developed the distillery activity until its decline at the end of the 1980s. The estate was taken over in 1994 by Yves and José Hayot, who relaunched the Saint-Etienne brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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