Tag Archives: Agricole Rhum

Rhum Neisson Extra Vieux

Neisson Extra Vieux Rum Review by the Fat Rum PirateRhum Neisson are a producer of Rhum Agricole from Martinique.  The Extra Vieux is one of Neisson’s aged products.  The company also produces a number of white rhums.

Rhum many rum producers they actually grow their own sugar cane on site. This is fairly common amongst Agricole producers due to the production methods required. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Karukera Silver

Karukera are an Agricole Rhum producer from Guadeloupe. Karukera is the original
Arawak (Caribbean Indan) name for Guadeloupe. Despite the very slick presentation (which caused me to overlook this brand) Karukera have been distilling and producing rhum since 189Karukera Silver Rum Review by the fat rum pirate5.

The Esperence distillery in Sainte Marie – “Certain Origins do not Deceive” is the companies tag line.  Karukera have a very nice website unfortunately for me its all in French and resists translation.  There is a lot of information there and I can pick out bits but not a lot unfortunately! In all honesty the relatively modern presentation of all the Karukera rhums make me wonder if all this history is entirely correct. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 Version Integrale

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 rum review by the fat rum pirateRhum Rhum is a collaboration between Luca Gargano of Velier and Master Distiller Vittorio Capovilla.

Using small copper pot stills located near to the Bielle distillery on Marie-Galante – a small, very rural island just off the coast of Guadaloupe.

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 has been released at two differing ABV’s this “Version Integrale” is bottled at a hefty 59.8%.  1420 bottles were produced. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Clairin Casimir

Clairin Casimir 2 rum review by the fat rum pirateClairin Casimir (batch 2) hails from the Douglas Casimir Distillery in Baraderes, Haiti.  The Clairins (Vaval and Sajous) are series of three different Clairins from three different distilleries all on Haiti.  Exported from Haiti by Velier for the European market.

Clairin is a spirit distilled from sugar cane juice rather than molasses.  It is technically very similar to rhum agricole.  Due to the relatively lo-fi nature of the distilleries and their traditional methods clairin is much less refined and more “raw” than most rhum agricole. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Habitation La Favorite Cuvee Speciale 1995 – La Confrerie du Rhum

La Favourite Confrerie du Rhum rum review by the fat rum pirateLa Favorite hailing from Martinique will be a familiar name to those of you who enjoy French Rhum or Agricole Rhum as it is more commonly known.

Agricole Rhum (agricultural rum) differs from Molasses based rum in that it is produced from Sugar Cane Juice rather than molasses.  You may also have heard of a spirits called Cachaca which is made from Sugar Cane Juice.  I’m not entirely sure what the difference is but other than in Brasil Agricole Rhum is much more popular.  Molasses based rum in contract to “agricole” rum can be called “industrial” rum.  I’m sure you can understand why most rum producers don’t opt to categorise their rum in such a way! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bardinet Rhum Negrita

imageIn 1857 a young wine and spirit merchant called Paul Bardinet began blending and ageing the “tafia” (as it was called at the time) or sugar-cane alcohol, which arrived in Limoges, France from the far flung islands of the Caribbean.

Legend goes that Bardinet worked on taming the firewater, which arrived on French shores with various blending and ageing techniques until he was producing something comparable to the Rhum Negrita which is now commonly available across mainland Europe.  In particular France and Spain. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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