Tag Archives: Ron

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years Rum review by the fat rum pirate Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years. Sadly the review of this particular rum is not as a result of a trip to Cuba. Nor is it even the result of a brief sojourn to Europe. It is in fact due to a visit to the Lidl Supermarket on Roker Avenue……..

I appreciate that those of you familiar with this site will be surprised to see someone as sophisticated and refined as myself shopping in a discount German Supermarket. Especially those who have met me. This bottling was of course purchased for me by my domestic help on their weekly shop. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Santiago de Cuba Ron Extra Anejo 11 Anos

Ron Santiago de Cuba Ron Extra Anejo 11 Anos rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Santiago de Cuba Ron Extra Anejo 11 Anos. I use the exact naming convention adopted on the bottles I review, so apologies for the extra brevity of this reviews title. I guess much like me, these Cuban rum producers have a tendency to waffle…..

For those of you who are unaware and I guess this is where my review is designed to assist, Ron Santiago de Cuba (formerly just Santiago de Cuba) has begun working with global booze conglomerate Diageo. This has led to a re-brand and increased availability here in the UK and Europe. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum

Ron Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum. I’ve got to say if I was going to introduce a rum brand to the market, I probably wouldn’t call it “Colon”. The meaning in English doesn’t really work that well.

Having said that in the current climate the fact was the Spanish name of Christopher Columbus – Cristobar Colon probably doesn’t help either…..This rum, however is named after the “Colon” which was used as the El Salvadorian currency from 1892 till 2001. When it was replaced by the US dollar. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Izalco Rum Cask Strength Aged 15 Years

Ron Izalco Rum Cask Strength Aged 15 Years review by the fat rum pirateRon Izalco Rum Cask Strength Aged 15 Years. This brand is produced by California based Phenomenal Spirts, which are headed up Karthik Sudhir. Not putting any pressure on yourself with name are you Karthik?

I actually met Karthik in September 2019 at a tasting of his rum at Trailer Happiness in London. It was a complete fluke really that I was down London for work purposes and was able to attend. Usually I miss out on such events being up here in the frozen north. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Roble Viejo Extra Anejo

Ron Roble Viejo Extra Anejo Rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Roble Viejo Extra Anejo. According to Google Translate this rum is Rum Oak Old Extra Old. Which is interesting, though I suspect it’s more Google’s shitty translation than anything else. The Ron Roble brand hails from Venezuela home of rums such as Santa Teresa, Diplomatico and the popular bar favourites Pampero and Cacique. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Coloma 8 Anos

Ron Coloma 8 Anos Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Coloma 8 Anos. Ron Coloma are a rum brand from Colombia. They currently have two rums in their portfolio. Today, I am reviewing their 8 Year Old Rum but they also have an older 15 Year Old Rum.

Ron Coloma, hails from the Hacienda Coloma a Coffee Plantation in Fusagasuga, Central Colombia. Both the rum brand and the Hacienda Coloma have their own websites here and here. There are some interesting links to the likes of Parce Rum on the Hacienda’s website. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

24 Days of Rum – The Original Rum Box

24 Days of Rum - The Original Rum Box Review by the fat rum pirate24 Days of Rum – The Original Rum Box. Warning! This article contains spoilers. If you have bought this calendar and do not wish to know any of the contents. Stop reading now!

I would imagine the young child I once was would have given someone a very strange look had they suggested they would one day be writing about a Rum Advent Calendar. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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