The Real McCoy Aged 5 Years. The Real McCoy is a rum brand with one of the few “honest” back stories. Indeed the commonly used term “The Real McCoy” was coined from the legendary rum runner Bill McCoy. Who smuggled rum into the US during the prohibition era. He never adulterated his product and as a result people began asking for “The Real McCoy” as a sign of a quality spirit.
Rhum Depaz Rhum Vieux Agricole Plantation. Rhum Depaz are a rum brand and distillery from the French speaking island of Martinique. As a result most (but not all) of their rhums follow the AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controlee) Martinique.
The AOC is series of rules and regulations which producers much adhere to in order to produce rhum which is then accredited with an AOC certificate. For further information on the AOC please read here.
Cachaca Patua de Alambique Carvalho. Cachaca Patua was founded by Cachaca Conoisseur Walter Carlos Brossel, in 2017. The distillery is situated in Betim a city in Minas Gerais State. The birthplace of cachaca.
Cachaca Patua produced their cachaca from estate grown sugar cane. Like all truly artisanal cachaca producers they distill in small batches on traditional Copper Pot Stills. At present Cachaca Patua produce 25,000 litres of cachaca per year which is spread across their 4 expressions. That said the Patua Reserva Especial only has 400 bottles produced per year.
The Antigua Distillery Heavy Traditional Rum. This one is filed under “should have reviewed a lot earlier”. You’ll struggle to find a bottle of this on the primary market. More likely to find a bottle or two at auction or another part of the secondary market.
Quite why I didn’t review it, I’m not so sure I just never got around to it. Distracted by other offerings. A number of other reviewers did review it though and it caused a bit of a fuss as a lot of people seemed to really like it.
An Interview with Peter Holland. Normally when conducting an interview (and it has been a while) I note what their rum “connection” is in the title. With Peter that was going to make for a very long title, so instead we’ll just let Peter tell us all about his numerous roles in the UK and Global Rum Scene.
Legendario Ron Dorado. Perhaps one of the most ironic things about the Legendario brand is that, arguably it’s most famous rum isn’t even a rum. The “seven year old” Elixir de Cuba is exactly that an Elixir.
Unfortunately not a lot of people know what it is. If you are puzzled by this yourself then please read my review above of the Elixir de Cuba.