Tag Archives: 2 stars

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink Rum review by the fat rum pirateBounty Spiced Spirit Drink. Today’s review of Bounty is brought to you by St Lucia Distillers. This is not the Bounty brand that is produced by Rum Co. of Fiji.

The two brands seem to co-exist without any litigation – I’m not sure how you could or would go about trademarking something as generic as Bounty. I’m sure if you could Mars would have been onto both these rum companies by now. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Angostura Premium Rum Aged 7 Years

Angostura Premium Rum Aged 7 Years rum review by the fat rum pirateAngostura Premium Rum Aged 7 Years. It’s been a long time since I have reviewed anything from Angostura or for that matter Trinidad Distillers Limited.  Until a few days ago I wouldn’t have been expecting to be sitting down and reviewing this rum either.

However, we have Amazon sales to thank for todays review. I was looking for something slightly above supermarket standard as a slightly more premium mixer/sipper and found this on offer for £24.99.  The way prices are going in the UK at the moment I figured it wasn’t a bad price, so I plumped for a bottle. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years Rum review by the fat rum pirate Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years. Sadly the review of this particular rum is not as a result of a trip to Cuba. Nor is it even the result of a brief sojourn to Europe. It is in fact due to a visit to the Lidl Supermarket on Roker Avenue……..

I appreciate that those of you familiar with this site will be surprised to see someone as sophisticated and refined as myself shopping in a discount German Supermarket. Especially those who have met me. This bottling was of course purchased for me by my domestic help on their weekly shop. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Mount Gay Eclipse Heritage Blend Barbados Rum

Mount Gay Eclipse Heritage Blend Barbados Rum review by the fat rum pirateMount Gay Eclipse Heritage Blend Barbados Rum. This was one of the “first batch” of reviews that I published on this site back in March 2014, with an update to the review in 2015. Which might have involved the then new style bottle.

It’s 2024 and the bottle (well the label) has once again been update to add “Heritage Blend” to the moniker and also to update the present Master Distiller/Blender Trudiann Branker. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Tanduay Gold Asian Rum

Tanduay Gold Asian Rum review by the fat rum pirateTanduay Gold Asian Rum. Thanks to the Bleeding Heart Rum Company and more specifically their Don Papa “rums”, the Philippines has become more well known globally as a rum producing nation.

However, Tanduay is (and has been for a number of years) one of the worlds best selling rums. Like so many of the best selling rums – the sales are largely limited to certain more localised markets. Much like Old Monk and McDowells in India, Tanduay can account for a lot of sales in their domestic market and in other Asian markets such as Hong Kong and China. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Diplomatico Seleccion De Familia

Diplomatico Seleccion De Familia rum review by the fat rum pirateDiplomatico Seleccion De Familia. At one time Diplomatico was perhaps second only to Ron Zacapa in terms of “Premium” rum. For many, rums such as Ron Zacapa, Diplomatico, El Dorado and Bacardi are still seen as the very pinnacle of rum production.

Lets be honest in certain Rum Circles, the likes of A.H Riise and Don Papa are heralded as King of the Rums. The “outing” of these rums in terms of additives has made people think twice about what they are paying for. Unfortunately the sad reality still remains. Pretty bottles, promotional gimmicks and sweetened, easy going rum still sell by the truckload. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

That Boutique-y Rum Company Greensand Ridge Batch 1

That Boutique-y Rum Company Greensand Ridge Batch 1 Rum review by the fat rum pirateThat Boutique-y Rum Company Greensand Ridge Batch 1. Regular readers of the site should be familiar with The Boutique-y Rum Company by now. I have reviewed a number of their offerings over the past couple of years since the company was formed.

This offering from Greensand Ridge is part of the recently released “Home Nations Series”. Which celebrated the growing number of rums now being produced in the UK. It also focused on some whisky as well but we’re not interested in that. Not today anyway. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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