Tag Archives: Rum

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 year Old Anos rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos. The rum hails from Colombia.  It is produced at Industria Licocera de Caldas.  As a result of this quite a lot of the information available online is in Spanish.  I’ve tried translating things but the free translation tools are pretty naff.  So I’ve cobbled together what I could find in English. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro Rum Review by the fat rum pirateYaguara Cachaca Ouro came to UK shores last year.  It seems the Brazilian “rum” is beginning to catch on.  Cachaca brands are becoming more commonplace at UK Rum Festivals and trade shows. Cachaca once again highlights the diversity in Sugar Cane Spirits.

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro is an aged Cachaca. The producers note it is small batch artisinal Cachaca.  Produced in Copper Pot Stills.  They have quite an impressive and informative website.  They have been producing Cachaca for 5 generations. So they are not a new company but their products are new to the UK. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Exotic Tramp Cocktail Chocolates

Exotic tramp Chocolate and truffle review by the fat rum pirateExotic Tramp is the brainchild of Sian Petter.  You may have come across Sian and her husband James at one of the numerous Rum Festivals in the UK or at a variety of markets in her local area.

Exotic Tramp produce Cocktail Truffles and Gifts.  For those into the Tiki scene they have also recently produced a number of Tiki style mugs, to add to their portfolio. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rabbie’s Rum Aged 17 Years – Uitvlugt by the Whisky Barrel

The Whisky Barrel Rabbie's Rum Utivlugt 17 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRabbie’s Rum – named after Scotlands most famous poet Robert “Rabbie” Burns.  This particular rum was bottled by The Whisky Barrel and hails from the legendary and now defunct Uitvlugt (owt-fluct) Distillery.

One thing I have touched on before is the confusing and contradictory naming convention used by Independent bottlers when it comes to Guyanese (or even Guyanan rum – I’ve put that in as I know how it annoys Lance over at The Lone Caner). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Top Ten Rums……So Far

The site is now over 3 years old.  The site as it appears now was “re-booted” back in December 2014. Which was pretty much when it began getting a meaningful amount of views. We’ve now reviewed over 300 different rums, with many more in the pipeline.  Out of curiosity I thought I would see how many rums I have given the 5 star treatment. The search was quite interesting.  I was quite surprised by some of the omissions – only garnering 4 or 4.5 stars.  I’ve also tried not to flood the list with rums from the same distillery to keep a bit of variety. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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Ron Caney Anejo Centuria

Ron Caney Anejo Centuria Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Caney Anejo Centuria – another Cuban rum I picked up in Spain.  Which seems to be the place to go if you want lower to mid level Cuban rum.  At a very reasonable price.

As with a lot of Cuban rums information is a little sketchy.  Some information online seem to suggest this a blend of rums aged between 5 and 9 years. Other resources denote it being a 7 year old rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Infamous Rum No. 01

Infamous Rum No1 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateThe Infamous Rum No. 01 is a Spiced Rum which hails from Belgium.  This Spiced Rum has been created by Infamous Designs and Concepts who bill themselves as Private Label Creators.  As to be excepted from such an operation they have a website.

The brand unsurprisingly offers a very slick, modern appearance. Having said that they haven’t went down the story-telling route of other Spiced Rum brands.  They are actually giving more information on the actual rum than 99% of Spiced Rum Brands.  The Infamous Rum No. 01 is currently only available in limited quantities, mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands.  They are looking to upscale production to keep up with demand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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