Tag Archives: Spiced Rum

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink

Bounty Spiced Spirit Drink Rum review by the fat rum pirateBounty Spiced Spirit Drink. Today’s review of Bounty is brought to you by St Lucia Distillers. This is not the Bounty brand that is produced by Rum Co. of Fiji.

The two brands seem to co-exist without any litigation – I’m not sure how you could or would go about trademarking something as generic as Bounty. I’m sure if you could Mars would have been onto both these rum companies by now. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced

The Original Islay Rum Peat SpicedThe Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced. The Scottish isle of Islay is best known for Scotch Whisky. The Islay Rum Company are the first distillery on the isle to distil rum.

The company is led by Head Distiller, Distillery Manager and Freddie Mercury look a like Ben Inglis. Ben is a long term rum fan and it has long been his passion to build a rum distillery on Islay. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bacardi Spiced

Bacard Spiced Rum Spirit Drink Review by the fat rum pirateBacardi Spiced. Or more accurately Bacardi Spiced Spirit Drink. As the ABV on this offering is only 35% it does not hit the minimum 37.5% EU requirement to be labelled as a rum. The UK are no longer in the EU. We are still pretty much following all their rules and regulations though……… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Neptune Rum Caribbean Spiced

Neptune Rum Spiced Caribbean review by the fat rum pirateNeptune Rum Caribbean Spiced. You’ve likely seen plenty of Neptune Rum over the past few years. They have “won” numerous awards around the world. I’m not really a particularly a big fan of the “Pay to Play” award ceremonies and their associated marketing. That said, if I was launching a rum brand I’d probably enter a few just to see what benefits they might have. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Kopparberg Cherry Flavoured Spiced Rum

Kopparberg Cherry Flavoured Spiced Rum review by the fat rum pirateKopparberg Cherry Flavoured Spiced Rum. Fair play to Kopparberg by labelling this rum as both Spiced and Flavoured along with hitting the minimal 37.5% ABV they are producing a Spiced/Flavoured rum in line with EU regulations. Rather than the numerous Rum based Spirit Drinks that have appeared on our shelves (alongside rum) in recent years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Admiral’s Old J 151 Overproof Spiced Rum Tiki Fire

Old J 151 Overproof Spiced Rum Tiki Fire rum review by the fat rum pirateAdmiral’s Old J 151 Overproof Spiced Rum Tiki Fire. Sometime in the late noughties there was a brief craze for Sailor Jerry and Cola here in the UK. It was before I seriously drank rum in any shape of form. I confess I did take part. A little.

Now for some reason the UK version was a sweeter or more vanilla heavy variation on the “recipe” used by Sailor Jerry in the Rest of the World. Now despite the ongoing popularity of Sailor Jerry the producers decided to change the UK recipe in 2010, to that of the the rest of the world and stopped production of the UK recipe. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

An Interview with Nicholas Pullen – Top Beverages Limited

An Interview with Nicholas Pullen - Top Beverages LimitedAn Interview with Nicholas Pullen – Top Beverages Limited.

Late last year I reviewed a CBD (Cannabidiol) Infused Spiced Rum from Top Beverages Limited. Co-owner Nicholas Pullen has kindly agreed to answer some questions I posed of him. At the moment here in the UK we are in a lockdown, courtesy of COVID-19. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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