Tag Archives: Rum

Appleton Estate Twitter Tasting 7pm (GMT) Wednesday 14th October 2015

AppletonTwitterTastingOnce again we will be taking part in a Twitter Tasting, this time alongside Ian Burrell (Global Rum Ambassador) and David Morrison (Senior Master Blender at Appleton Estate).

The tasting flight includes three rums from the Appleton Estate line up and a cocktail which highlights the versatility of Appleton Estate’s entry level rum – Signature Blend (formerly the V/X). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Matugga Rum – Press Release

MATUGGAMatugga Rum are a new UK based rum brand.  Whilst the brand is new some of the people involved in this new venture are well known to this site.

English Spirit Distillery headed up by John Walters have been producing their own Small Batch Copper Pot Distilled spirits since 2009 including the likes of English Spirit Vokda, Old J’s Gin and Old Salt Rum which was reviewed on these pages. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Gunpowder Rum? – An Interview with BH Simpson

S&O's Gunpowder RumAlthough this may sound gimmicky, there is a history of Gunpowder and Rum.  Not just in the sense that rum had to be “Gunpowder Proof” but also, in that like the recipe for this, Gunpowder was indeed added to rum!

This may sound slightly mad and at times this interview will reveal the slight craziness of its creator BH Simpson.  However, as this interview will reveal there is method to his madness. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

1931 St Lucia Distillers – 1st Edition

1931 St Lucia Distillers 1st edition rum review by the fat rum pirateSt Lucia Distillers are famous for producing Chairman’s Reserve, Bounty (mainly for the domestic market) and Admiral Rodney.

1931 is a rum brought onto the market in 2011 to commemorate 80 years of the Dennery Distillery, St Lucia.  In 1972 the Dennery and the Roseau Distilleries merged and formed the company we have now, St Lucia Distillers. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Mount Gilboa Triple Distilled Barbados Pot Still Rum

Mount Gilboa Barbados Pot Still Rum Review by the fat rum pirateMount Gilboa is a triple distilled Pot Still rum.  This in itself is fairly unusual, I think.  I’ve heard little about multiple distillation in rum, unlike Vodka for example.  That’s not to say it doesn’t occur just that is rarely mentioned.  Mount Gilboa is a product of Barbados and from the name and product design you could be mistaken into thinking you are getting a cheaper Mount Gay product or a copycat. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Appleton Special Jamaica Rum

Appleton Special Jamaica Rum review by the fat rum pirateFrom what I understand Appleton Special isn’t widely available in a lot of territories.  It is freely available in the UK though.

Rather than being special as such, it is Appleton’s entry level rum.  It comes in both a Gold and White expression.  It should be noted that whilst this is an Appleton rum it doesn’t have the Appleton Estate moniker.  Yes, its of course from the same distillery but it seems Appleton wish to make a distinction between this and the Estate’s entry level rum – V/X.  It is notably absent from the Appleton Estate website and rumours have it that it may be being discontinued.  If those rumours are true I may have to invest in a few more bottles soon! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rums Sweet Spot

consignment3For many years Rum has struggled with something of an image problem.  Still seen by many as a cheap drink to be taken mixed and in excess by teenagers in search of a good time.  Attempts to “Premiumise” rum have done little to convince those outside rum circles that Killdevil is a legitimate alternative to classic spirits such as Whisk(e)y and Gin.  In many ways the “Premiumisation” of Rum has actually done it’s image  more harm than good. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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