Tag Archives: Rum

An Interview with Alexander Kong (Worthy Park Estate, Jamaica)

Interview Worthy Park Rum ReviewOur latest interview is with Alexander Kong (pictured in the grey jacket, alongside Gordon Clarke Co-Managing Director) who is the Export Sales Manager for the recently resurrected Worthy Park Distillery.

As you will see from the answers in this interview, since their re-birth in 2005 Worthy Park are determined to do things the right way.  Their return to rum production after almost 50 years in the wilderness couldn’t have been more timely.  Authentic Caribbean rum is becoming more sought after and valued by both casual rum drinkers and in particular with more seasoned rum conisseurs and aficionados. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Top Ten Best Rums in the World Ever, Ever (Part Two)

RON ZACAPA XO Rum review by the fat rum pirateFor those who haven’t read Part One it is here.  To not read the first part will probably leave you a little confused…….

Here, we will continue our look at the 10 most annoying, outlandish, poorly researched or just plain lazy Click Bait pieces of so called journalism that have befallen our less than noble spirit over the past few years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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English Harbour 1981 25 Year Old

English Harbour 1981 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateEnglish Harbour rums are produced by Antigua Distillers on the Caribbean Island of the same name.  English Harbour is a port on the island.  Its name was given by the Royal British Navy when they set up a naval base there in the 18th century.

Outside of the Caribbean, Antigua Distillers are best recognised for their English Harbour rums.  The 5 year old is regularly held up as being a classic (I didn’t share that view in my review though).  Within the Caribbean they are best known for their Cavalier brand of rums.  Less expensive rums used mostly for mixing.  Much like St Lucia Distillers produce Bounty for their own domestic and more localised market. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold

Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCaptain Morgan along with Bacardi probably gets the most abuse of all the rum companies.  It is part of drinks giant Diageo’s portfolio of brands and is one of the most recognised throughout the world.

Whilst the companies Jamaica (or Dark) rum really isn’t worthy of too much criticism (it’s decidedly average), like Bacardi the strange flavoured rums the group have released, particularly over the pond are never going to win them many fans amongst rum conisseurs or purists. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Top Ten Best Rums in the World Ever, Ever (Part One)

Havana Club Maximo Rum Review by the fat rum pirateSee what I did there? If it’s not yet apparent then what I have done with my title is infer that this article is going to include the ten greatest rums produced in the whole wide world ever……….

It isn’t.  Instead, what it is going to do is run down the ten most annoying, outlandish, poorly researched or just plain lazy Click Bait pieces of so called journalism that have befallen our less than noble spirit over the past few years.  Articles which have reeled us all in with promises of hidden gems and new an enticing rum experiences. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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Doorly’s Fine Old Barbados Rum Aged 12 Years

Doorly's 12 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateOfferings from Foursquare Distillery this year have been a little like buses.  You wait ages then two come along at once!

We’ve really been lucky in the UK this summer.  Seeing a limited edition Foursquare Port Cask Finish and at long last, this mythical beast Doorly’s 12 Year Old. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Matugga Golden Rum

Matugga Gold RumEarlier this week I posted up a Press release on Matugga Rum.  Whilst this site is largely independent I am still happy enough (on occasion) to publish Press Releases or do some advertising for companies if I think they are a good enough cause.

I don’t just publish everything that is sent to me nor do I routinely accept samples.  However, in this instance and armed with enough knowledge about the rum (not just from the press release) I am comfortable enough to review the samples Matugga have kindly sent me.  I shall explain my confidence in this product. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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