Tag Archives: Rum

Rum-Bar Gold Premium Jamaica Rum

Rum Bar Gold Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRum-Bar Gold is a barrel aged Jamaican Rum from the Worthy Park Estate.  The Estate has been involved in Sugar Production since 1720.

However, due to events described in this interview, I conducted with Alexander Kong they have been absent from the Rum Market until fairly recently.

Back in 2004/5 they set about building a new state of the art distillery in order to begin producing rum again.  In 2007 they introduced their White Overproof to the domestic market and have now added a Gold rum and a Rum Cream to their portfolio.  In order to help pay for the state of the art distillery Worthy Park have also sold “bulk” rum to other bottlers. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rumvent Calendar

Rumvent Calendar 2015 by rhe fat rum pirateThe Rumvent Calendar.  Join us throughout December as we count down towards Christmas, with a tot a day.

24 rums have been selected in miniature form to help us enjoy the countdown to Christmas.  No doubt amongst these rums will be one or two you have put on Santa’s list.

The selection is quite eclectic featuring rums new in 2015, older classics and some limited edition rums which are alas, no longer available. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating


imageWell, Professor Cornelius Ampleforth’s Rumbullion! to give it its full name.  Rumbullion is a Spiced Rum made exclusively for Master of Malt as part of their Professor Cornelius Ampleforth’s range of spirits and pre-mixed cocktails.

Rumbullion! has been so popular with Master of Malt punters that it is also now available in an XO (15 year old) and Navy Strength variation.  This review focuses on the “traditional” standard Rumbullion. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Real McCoy Rum Aged 12 Years

The Real McCoy Aged 12 Years Rum Review by the fat rum pirateIn 1920, when prohibition began, Captain Bill McCoy made a name for himself as America’s first “Rum Runner”.  He always delivered the finest quality rum which became known around the world as “The Real McCoy”.

I’ve no idea how true this is.  I’ve every confidence if I trawl the internet I will find various different stories about the origins of the term “The Real McCoy”.  In the UK a popular crisp brand are term the “Real McCoy’s”. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cacique Ron Anejo Superior

Cacique Anejo Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Cacique (which means leader of the tribe in Spanish) is the top selling rum brand in its homeland Venezuela.  This news may come as a surprise to those more familiar with Venezuelan rums such as Pampero and Diplomatico.  What shouldn’t come as any surprise is that Cacique has the marketing power of Diageo behind it. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Yacare Anejo

Ron Yacare Review by the fat rum pirateRon Yacare is an Anejo (aged) rum from the Dominican Republic.  It has been difficult to find any information regarding this rum, mainly due to this being predominantly for the Spanish speaking market.

Ron Yacare from the information on the bottle is distributed by Carrefour Supermarket group.  I assume it is available in their stores, which are found mostly in France and Spain.  From web searches they also produce a Honey based Ron Miel and they have a Viejo and Reserva Exclusiva expression as well.  I think that Yacare is more of a brand name and I do not think all of the rums in their range come from the Dominican Republic. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Penny Blue Single Cask Mauritian Rum (Cask #28)

Penny Blue Cask #28 Rum review by the fat rum piratePenny Blue Mauritian Rum hails from the Medine Distillery in Mauritius.  The rum is brought to the UK under the watchful eye of Berry Bros. & Rudd, on of London’s premium importers of wines and spirits.

In the past there have been 4 editions of the Penny Blue.  This edition is the first Single Cask rum to be released in the UK. (I understand some Single Cask editions have been available in Mauritius) Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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