Relicario Ron Dominicano is a rum brand which hails from the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is famous for the three B’s (Brugal, Barceló and Bermudez). The Dominican Republic is also known in the rum world for the various Oliver & Oliver bottlings such Opthimus and Presidente Marti.
Tag Archives: Rum
Skotlander White Rum. Skotlander hail from Denmark. This white rum is along with their dark rum their “standard” rum offering.
The company was founded by the Dane Anders Skotlander. Skotlander rums are distilled, aged and bottled in Denmark (and occasionally aged at sea). Anders has spent the last 10 or so years working as a film producer. Denmark actually has quite a few recognised rum enthusiasts such as Ingvar Thomsen, Johnny Drejer (of Hydrometer test fame) and Mads Heitmann of Romhatten and the author of Rom Bogen (a book about rum in Danish).
A.H Riise XO Reserve Rum. A highly popular rum brand particular in Denmark. I have previously reviewed A.H Riise’s 40% Navy Rum. In that review I gave some information regarding the brands (so called) history etc. The review is here.
For the purpose of this review I will just focus on this bottling. I have taken much of this information from the official website.
Velier Caroni 100% Trinidad Rum Aged 21 Years. Velier have in recent years become synonymous with Caroni Trinidad Rum.
They have the largest stock of Tropically aged Caroni and have released a staggering series of rums. Which seem to have no sign of ending soon. This is the fourth bottling in their series of “blended” Caroni’s from particular years. They are more common and easier to find than the single cask releases, but they are still much sought after and may seem to some to be quite pricy.