Tag Archives: Martinique

HSE Black Sheriff

HSE Habitation Saint Etienne Black Sherrif Rum Review by the fat rum pirateHSE or Habitation Saint Etienne are an agricole rhum distiller based on the French speaking island of Martinque.

Habitation Saint Etienne was modelled after “La Maugée”, a sugar refinery covering over 400 hectares from Gros Morne to Saint Joseph in the early 19th century.

In 1909, the property came into the possession of the Simonnet family who developed the distillery activity until its decline at the end of the 1980s. The estate was taken over in 1994 by Yves and José Hayot, who relaunched the Saint-Etienne brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Neisson Extra Vieux

Neisson Extra Vieux Rum Review by the Fat Rum PirateRhum Neisson are a producer of Rhum Agricole from Martinique.  The Extra Vieux is one of Neisson’s aged products.  The company also produces a number of white rhums.

Rhum many rum producers they actually grow their own sugar cane on site. This is fairly common amongst Agricole producers due to the production methods required. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Karukera Silver

Karukera are an Agricole Rhum producer from Guadeloupe. Karukera is the original
Arawak (Caribbean Indan) name for Guadeloupe. Despite the very slick presentation (which caused me to overlook this brand) Karukera have been distilling and producing rhum since 189Karukera Silver Rum Review by the fat rum pirate5.

The Esperence distillery in Sainte Marie – “Certain Origins do not Deceive” is the companies tag line.  Karukera have a very nice website unfortunately for me its all in French and resists translation.  There is a lot of information there and I can pick out bits but not a lot unfortunately! In all honesty the relatively modern presentation of all the Karukera rhums make me wonder if all this history is entirely correct. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Habitation La Favorite Cuvee Speciale 1995 – La Confrerie du Rhum

La Favourite Confrerie du Rhum rum review by the fat rum pirateLa Favorite hailing from Martinique will be a familiar name to those of you who enjoy French Rhum or Agricole Rhum as it is more commonly known.

Agricole Rhum (agricultural rum) differs from Molasses based rum in that it is produced from Sugar Cane Juice rather than molasses.  You may also have heard of a spirits called Cachaca which is made from Sugar Cane Juice.  I’m not entirely sure what the difference is but other than in Brasil Agricole Rhum is much more popular.  Molasses based rum in contract to “agricole” rum can be called “industrial” rum.  I’m sure you can understand why most rum producers don’t opt to categorise their rum in such a way! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Saint James Royal Ambre

Saint James Royal Ambre rum review the fat rum pirateSaint James Royal Ambre is a Rhum Agricole from the French speaking island of Martinique.

For those unfamiliar with Rhum Agricole it is rum made from fresh cane juice as opposed to Rhum Industriel which is produced from molasses or other sugar by products.

The term Rhum Industriel is not widely used as it has negative connotations and those that do produce rhum in this way have no desire or motivation to market their products as such.  As most production occurs outside of the French speaking islands it has no real meaning.  The term when used in derogative way does Rhum Agricole’s snobbish overpriced reputation little favours. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

La Mauny V.O. Rhum Vieux Agricole

La Mauny VO Rum Review Agricole RhumAhhh the French you could almost hate the entire nation for Michel Platini and his Anglophilic tendencies alone.  So the French being the French they couldn’t make r(h)um the English way they had to do it their way.

And so was born Rhum Agricole (Agricultural Rum) a more expensive way of making rum.  Agricole rum is made from fresh pressed sugar cane juice rather than molasses.  Due to the price of the various rhum agricole’s on offer I was expecting something quite spectacular.  However, from looking online it seemed quite overlooked and not a lot if it seemed to be getting on any notable award lists. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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