Tag Archives: Dark Rum

Habitation Velier Hampden 2010 HLCF/LROK LMDW

Habitation Velier Hampden HLCF LROK 2010 rum review by the fat rum piratAnother Habitation Velier Hampden release.  This time out its a three way collaboration which has brought this particular rum into existence.  HLCF/LROK is a blend of two Hampden expressions which have both been issued individually HLCF (Hampden Light Continental Flavoured) and LROK (Light Rum Owen Kelly). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bounty St Lucia Rum

Bounty St Lucia Rum Review by the Fat rum pirateBounty Rum is something of a staple rum in its homeland the island of Saint Lucia. Finding a bottle of this rum become something of an obsession for the completist in me. I’ve always had a soft spot for Saint Lucia Distilers (SLD) and I’ve wanted to try this rum for a long time.

Finally I found a bottle at Drinks Supermarket here in the UK.  Complete with HMRC customs stamp on the actual label.  Suggesting that this was at one point distributed in the UK.  Indeed it was imported by the current SLD Importer Emporia Brands.  Quite how old this bottle is I’m not sure.  I suspect it is stock that Drinks Supermarket stumbled across in their warehouse after forgetting they had the odd bottle. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Whisky Barrel 19 Year Old Caroni Berry Bros & Rudd 10th Anniversary

The Whisky Barrel 19 Year Old Caroni Berry Bros & Rudd 10th Anniversary rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Whisky Barrel recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary. For those unfamiliar with The Whisky Barrel, it is an online retailer based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

This 19 Year Old Caroni Rum is actually the fourth bottling in their 10th Anniversary series of whiskies and rums.  For this bottling not only have TWB looked to an iconic closed distillery they have also worked with a very much alive and kicking independent bottler, in the shape of the legendary Berry, Bros & Rudd. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum Sixty Six Extra Old 6 Year Old

Rum Sixty Six Extra Old 6 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRum Sixty Six a rum from the Foursquare Distillery on Barbados has recently seen some additions to its range.  Previously, the only rum in the Rum Sixty Six portfolio was a tropically aged 12 Year Old. A blend of Pot and Column distillate aged in ex-bourbon barrels.

Rum Sixty Six have added two more rums to the line up alongside an updated version of the original. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos

Ron Viejo de Caldas 3 year Old Anos rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Viejo de Caldas 3 Anos. The rum hails from Colombia.  It is produced at Industria Licocera de Caldas.  As a result of this quite a lot of the information available online is in Spanish.  I’ve tried translating things but the free translation tools are pretty naff.  So I’ve cobbled together what I could find in English. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rabbie’s Rum Aged 17 Years – Uitvlugt by the Whisky Barrel

The Whisky Barrel Rabbie's Rum Utivlugt 17 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRabbie’s Rum – named after Scotlands most famous poet Robert “Rabbie” Burns.  This particular rum was bottled by The Whisky Barrel and hails from the legendary and now defunct Uitvlugt (owt-fluct) Distillery.

One thing I have touched on before is the confusing and contradictory naming convention used by Independent bottlers when it comes to Guyanese (or even Guyanan rum – I’ve put that in as I know how it annoys Lance over at The Lone Caner). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Flor de Cana Centenario 18

Flor de Cana 18 Centenario Rum Review by the fat rum pirateFlor de Cana – Sugar Cane Flower in English are a Nicaraguan rum producer. Hailing from the wonderfully named Chichigalpa the distillery and San Antonio Sugar Mill have been housed theres since 1890.

I have reviewed and tasted a few of the Flor de Cana line up – with contrasting results.  The Dry White 4 and the Gran Reserva 7 I both enjoyed.  The Gran Anejo 5 and the Centenario 12 less so.  The Centenario 12 was perhaps the most disappoiinting.  Insipid, muted and just very dull. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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