Tag Archives: 5 stars

Dead Reckoning Rum The Black Pit

Dead Reckoning Rum The Black Pit Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning Rum The Black Pit. Had I not included “rum” in the title you might have thought I was about to review some kind of low budget/straight to Netflix horror/slasher movie. You can rest easy in that respect. I’m definitely not heading down that route. That said The “Real” Black Pit was indeed a bit of a horror story for anyone who became familiar with it. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Black Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024

Black Tot Rum Master Blender's Reserve 2024 review by the fat rum pirateBlack Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024. It seems only fitting to be reviewing the latest release of “Black Tot Rum Master Blender’s Reserve 2024 today, which is of course Black Tot Day.

It has been 5 years since the Black Tot brand launched their 50th Anniversary Blend to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the abolition of the daily Rum Ration in the British Navy. Black Tot Day 31st July 1970. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Foursquare Isonomy

Foursquare Isonomy Rum Review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare Isonomy. The reviews haven’t been as prolific as usual of late. So we are falling behind a little with regards the latest releases in Foursquare’s Exceptional Cask Series.

To be honest the way the rums are selling out pretty much straight away the most likely place now to find a bottle of Isonomy is on the Secondary market. You may find the odd retailer has stock but they may be asking for a price above the original RRP. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dead Reckoning Rum Barbados Barossa Valley Tawny Cask 9.5 Year

Dead Reckoning Rum Barbados Barossa Valley Tawny Cask 9.5 Year review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning Rum Barbados Barossa Valley Tawny Cask 9.5 Year. We are back to Australia and the Independent bottlers over at Dead Reckoning Rum. It’s safe to say that this is a release which is likely to make quite a lot of US and European based rum enthusiasts get a pang of jealousy.

It’s not often I can say I have seen a release come out of Australia where I have thought – I really want that. Thats not to say there isn’t good rum coming out of Australia but nothing has ever piqued my interest quite as much as this particular release. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Foursquare Indelible

Foursquare Indelible Rum Review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare Indelible. I’m just about over the fact Foursquare are not going to return to the “Foursquare Rum Distillery” moniker on their bottles. It saddens me a little. I kind of liked “ye days of olde”, when the bottles looked a bit more home made, a bit less uniform and of course lot less expensive……. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Black Tot Master Blender’s Reserve Rum 2021

Black Tot Master Blender's Reserve Rum 2021 rum review by the fat rum pirateBlack Tot Master Blender’s Reserve Rum 2021. As we close in on 2021, I felt it was right I put some time in and reviewed this rum. Not just because it will soon be 2022 and it will be “out of date”.

I’m actually making sure this is reviewed this year, so it has the chance to “compete” for the most prestigious Award in the Rum World………. That is of the course thefatrumpirate.com Rum of the Year! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Appleton Estate 2003 Hearts Collection

Appleton Estate 2003 Hearts Collection rum review by the fat rum pirateAppleton Estate 2003 Hearts Collection. My only hope with this review is that I have enough to write about to flesh out another full review. I fear I may have covered quite a lot of ground with my previous review of the Appleton Estate 1984 Hearts Collection.

That said I’m sure I’ll find something to rattle on about. After all I’ve managed to review a whole host of Foursquare bottlings over the years and I (hope) I haven’t repeated myself too much. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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