The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced

The Original Islay Rum Peat SpicedThe Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced. The Scottish isle of Islay is best known for Scotch Whisky. The Islay Rum Company are the first distillery on the isle to distil rum.

The company is led by Head Distiller, Distillery Manager and Freddie Mercury look a like Ben Inglis. Ben is a long term rum fan and it has long been his passion to build a rum distillery on Islay.

At the distillery Ben is supported by Jonathan Cairns who despite originally hailing from Canada has worked at famouse whisky distilleries such as Bowmore and Laphroiag.

Outside of the distillery The Islay Rum Company is overseen by Director Andrew Crook who runs the parent company The Vintage Malt Whisky Company. He in turn is supported by Caroline James. Caroline who works tirelessly managing the Islay Rum Company dream.

Those of you with an interest or knowledge of Scotch Whisky, will be aware that Islay is famous for its Peated Single Malt Scotch Whisky. In rum terms Peated Single Malt Scotch Whisky is probably the rum equivalent of heavy Caroni rum. Even perhaps the more extreme Jamaican rum marques.

It’s kind of a marmite type of whisky and is much less forgiving than say a Speyside Single Malt such as Glenfiddich or Glenmorangie. I’m not a huge fan of heavily Peated Whisky. In fairness my whisky leanings are very much on the softer side of things. American Corn and Rye Whiskey and Bourbon.

That said I’ve always said a reviewer has to balance their own personal tastes with the quality of what a rum/whisky etc is aiming for. Just because I don’t like something does not make it inferior quality.

The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced is created with orange, ginger cocoa nibs and some undisclosed “special” ingredients. The base rum is not noted on the site but I assume that it will be their unaged white rum. Once distilled and spiced it is then smoked over peat to give it a peaty smoky flavour.

You can purchase for £45 a 70cl bottle of the 40% ABV rum directly from the distillery here. It is also being stocked by the Whisky Exchange and other retailers.

I’ve a few more offerings from The Islay Rum Company to review so I will save some further information for those reviews to stop things getting repetitive. If you wish to find out more about the distillery in the meantime then please check their website.

The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced rum review by the fat rum pirate

In the glass The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced is a dark/golden brown colour with a nice orange/reddish hue around the edges.

The aroma is smoky and slightly peaty but its not hugely overpowering. Aroma’s of candied orange peel and cocoa are also present.

I’m also getting a little toffee and caramel. Thankfully I’m not getting any cinnamon or any of that OTT vanilla sweetness that is all to common in spiced rums.

I’m not a huge fan of Spiced Rum and I have reduced the number of spiced rums I review. Especially when they are all the distillery/brand offer. I have made an exception in reviewing this offering as I know that they are focused on things other than Spiced Rum and are genuinely trying to create something different.

Sipped neat The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced is a little sweet with notes of cocoa powder and dark chocolate with a slight orange twist. This is balanced by the smoky peaty notes. These work surprisingly well alongside the sweetness. I can still taste the rum at the heart of this Spiced Rum. Some nice fresh grassy youthful notes still come through and at 40% ABV it gives a nice warming kick.

As you move into the mid palate the sweetness fades and the peat and smoke take over. Mingling alongside the core rum base this is quite an interesting and unique experience.

The finish is a medium length and is mostly smoke and peat but it is mellowed, presumably by the spices. I didn’t find this overpowering and I found it have a surprisingly good balance. Very much enjoyed this neat.

I wouldn’t usually go in for this type of thing but (disclaimer) I do know Ben. I have known him for a few years now. So I thought it was about time I reviewed some of his range. I’m very pleased I took the time to try this Spiced Rum out.

The Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Original Islay Rum Peat Spiced is a very different Spiced Rum to the hundreds you see on bar backs up and down the country.  A more grown up kind of affair. I would imagine that a cocktail bartender or home enthusiast will be able to create all manner of drinks using this. Me?

Well, I tried it with some cola and ice. I found myself enjoying a rather pleasant rum and coke. It didn’t feel too “spiced” but had more than enough flavour and variety, to make a very pleasant and different drink.

It might even point me in the direction of exploring a bit more Peated Whisky. This has restored my faith a little in “Spiced Rum”. Just hold the vanilla please.






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