Tag Archives: Rum

Cadenhead’s Classic Rum

Cadenhead's Classic Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCadenhead’s are an independent Scotch Whisky and Spirit bottler from Campbelltown, Argyle in Scotland.  They are well respected, not only for their whiskies but also for producing some legendary rums over the years.  They have put out several 30 plus years old Demeraras and have a very eclectic mix of rums currently available. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Gosling’s Family Reserve Old Rum

Gosling's Family Reserve Old Rum review by the fat rum pirateGosling’s don’t tend to rush their releases or have many lines in their portfolio.  Until recently their only rum commercially available was the Black Seal and the Black Seal Overproof.

In recent times Gosling’s have introduced a Gold Rum and finally got around to releasing this well guarded Family Secret.  I quite enjoyed both the Black Seal and the Gold rum so I felt it only fair to review their more premium offering as well. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Black Spiced Rum

Bristol Spiced Rum review by the fat rum pirateBristol Classic Rum are a wonderful little bottling and ageing experiment, overseen by drinks legend John Barrett.  They produce some of the rum worlds most interesting independent bottlings and they price them competitively and sensibly, so most can access their wares.

I did contact John Barrett regarding this rum but unfortunately he is a very busy man and to date hasn’t got back to me.  I’ll send him a copy of this review when I’m finished and see if I get a response.  I appreciate that people are very busy so I’m always very grateful and appreciative when people do respond to my queries. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Havana Club Anejo Especial

Havana Club Anejo Especial rum review by the fat rum pirateHavana Club have recently re-branded and re-formulated their entry level Anejo Especial dark rum.  Whether this has anything to do with Bacardi’s recent re-branding exercise I’m not sure.  I doubt however that the two giants weren’t aware of what the other had planned…… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bacardi Carta Fuego

Bacardi Carta Fuego rum review by the fat rum pirateBacardi Carta Fuego – Red Spiced Rum to give it it’s full moniker.  In 2011 Bacardi moved away from creating weird and wonderful Flavoured Rums and introduced their competitor in the Spiced Rum market – Bacardi Oakheart.

If things had went to plan then we would all be at least familiar with, if not drinking an Oak And Coke.  As many of you will be puzzled by this, its safe to say that things didn’t go quite as planned for Bacardi as Oakheart failed to make a major dent in Captain Morgan’s Musket and The Kraken seem to have the Dark end of the Spiced rum market all sewn up.  That’s not to mention Sailor Jerry and the numerous copy-cats which have sprung up in the wake of the success of the now deceased Tattoo Artist at the tail end of the “noughties” (00’s). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Lemon Hart Original Demerara Rum

Lemon Hart Demerara Rum review by the fat rum pirateOver two centuries ago Lehmynn (“Lemon”) Hart was named an official purveyor of rum to the British Royal Navy, subsequently establishing the Lemon Hart Rum Company in London England in 1804.

Fast forward just over a couple of hundred years and here I am a few hundred miles north of London drinking Lemon Hart rum produced by Lemon Hart Rum Company Limited, Montreal, QC, Canada. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Appleton Estate Extra – Aged 12 Years Jamaica Rum

Appleton Estate Rare Blend 12 rum review by the fat rum pirate rumventAppleton Estate Extra is the “Ultra Premium rum in the Appleton Estate family and it is touted as unsurpassed masterpiece of oak ageing”.  Now I’m not one for re-producing a companies marketing material but I will make an exception in this instance.

The marketing material continues “As a Minimum Age rum Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old has been aged for a MINIMUM of 12 years in select American Oak Barrels”. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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