Tag Archives: Infused

Elements Eight Barrel Infused Criollo Cacao Rum

Elements Eight Barrel Infused Criiollo Cacao Rum review by the fat rum pirateElements Eight rums are quite visible in the UK marketplace.  Several more upmarket department stores stock the brand and it can be found in many style and cocktail bars.

Presentation wise that’s not really surprising as the tall square, high shouldered bottles are very pleasing on the eye.  They are however less pleasing on the shelves. You will find they are a lot taller than most spirits bottles – which can make them a bit of a pain to store. So it’s probably just as well that they have recently re-launched their rums with new packaging.  They have also decided to drop this offering. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Old Amazon No1. Tonka Bean Infused Rum

Old Amazon No1. Tonka Bean Infused Rum Review by the fat rum pirateOld Amazon No1. is the brainchild of Olly Simpson who is behind along with two of his friends Rum Fellows Ltd.  In 2014, Olly tested his rum infusions on unsuspecting friends at a BBQ.  Inspired by their positive reaction he set about Rum Fellows first creation…..

I’m always interested (often sceptical) in new rums and this Rum Infusion sparked my interest immediately.  Being a British rum did nothing to sway my enthusiasm. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

5 Spiced Rums You Should Try

imageSpiced Rum comes in for a lot of flak.  It is widely viewed as a cheap party drink and in the US it is widely seen as a Frat House mixer.  Drank with the sole purpose of getting very drunk, very quickly.

Here in the UK many peoples views on Spiced Rum have been clouded by Morgan’s Spiced Gold and Sailor Jerry.  In the late 00’s Sailor Jerry and Cola was actually the “in” drink for a short period.  For reasons which have never been fully explained the Sailor Jerry boom in the UK was cut short, not by changing trends but by the actual producers of the rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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