Category Archives: Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years Rum

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years

Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years Rum review by the fat rum pirate Ron Rumbero Cuban Rum Aged 7 Years. Sadly the review of this particular rum is not as a result of a trip to Cuba. Nor is it even the result of a brief sojourn to Europe. It is in fact due to a visit to the Lidl Supermarket on Roker Avenue……..

I appreciate that those of you familiar with this site will be surprised to see someone as sophisticated and refined as myself shopping in a discount German Supermarket. Especially those who have met me. This bottling was of course purchased for me by my domestic help on their weekly shop. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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