Levy Lane Rum Co Tamosi Karaya

Levy Lane Rum Co Tamosi Karaya rum review by the fat rum pirateLevy Lane Rum Co Tamosi Karaya. This review will round up all the releases to date that have been put on the market by Levy Lane Rum Co so far. From what I understand there are plenty more to follow.

As well as having a “regular” Tamosi rum. Which is a blend of Caribbean rums, Levy Lane Rum Co also released, a limited release Port Cask finished Cask Strength version of roughly the same blend. This is the second of two single casks Demerara rums they released. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dead Reckoning Rum The Sextant

Dead Reckoning Rum The Sextant rum review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning Rum The Sextant. I haven’t reviewed many rums from Australia. I’ve reviewed even less Independently bottled blended rums from Australia.

Which is exactly what Dead Reckoning Rum The Sextant is it is a blend of rums from Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados. So three of the most famous Caribbean rum producers. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Jamaican Rum JMH Thompson Bros and Bar Tre

Jamaican Rum JMH Thompson Bros and Bar Tre Rum Review by the fat rum pirateJamaican Rum JMH Thompson Bros and Bar Tre. You might be forgiven for thinking I have already reviewed this. I haven’t the rum I reviewed very recently with a very similar title was JMM rather than JMH. The JMM and JMH I am now assuming to mean JaMaica Monymusk and JaMaica Hampden. As this particular single cask bottling hails from the Hampden Estate, Trelawny, Jamaica. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 2 Guyana

Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 2 Guyana rum review by the fat rum pirateJung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 2 Guyana. As mentioned in my previous Jung and Wulff review, I wasn’t aware of the history of the importation of spirits into New Orleans. Nor the pivotal role these two entrepreneurs played in it.

Anyhow, Sazerac have decided to honour the pair with a trio of rums. Hailing from arguably the three most recognised rum producing islands/nations in the Caribbean. Least as far as molasses based rum is concerned anyway. Some Agricole producers may think otherwise. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Doministro Prata

Cachaca Doministro Prata Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Doministro Prata. When Carlos Atia retired from his position as “Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts” in 1998, he already had an idea of how he would occupy himself in retirement.

For many years Carlos had been producing cachaca on a very small scale and gifting it to friends and family. The cachaca was of such a quality that they would often ask when they would receive another bottle of “Cachaca do Ministro”. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Jamaican Rum JMM Thompson Bros and Bar Tre

Jamaican Rum JMM Thompson Bros and Bar Tre rum review by the fat rum pirateJamaican Rum JMM Thompson Bros and Bar Tre. Here we have another bottling from a Scottish Independent Bottler in the form of the Thompson Bros. For this release they have collaborated with Japanese bar “Bar Tre” in Hiroshima.

As well as independent bottlings of whisky, rum and other quality spirits, the Thompson Bros are also behind the Dornoch Distillery. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 1 Trinidad

Jung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 1 Trinidad Rum Review by the fat rum pirateJung and Wulff Luxury Rums No 1 Trinidad. I’ll be honest with you all, I can’t say I had heard of L.E Jung and Frederick Wulff before coming across this range of “Luxury Rums” from Sazerac.

However, they were responsible for importing the finest spirits into New Orleans and are past owners of The Sazerac House and Peychaud’s Bitters. This range of 3 rums have been released as a reminder of their pioneering work. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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