Dead Reckoning Mhoba – South Africa. We have in the past, reviewed both Dead Reckoning’s offerings and a few of Mhoba’s own wares. Today we are combining the two in a quite youthful independent bottling, which unfortunately for those of us in Europe is an Australia only release. Well, initially it was anyway………..
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Dead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat Cask. In my previous review I did mention that Dead Reckoning Rum had two releases for Europe. So that is what is up for appraisal today. It’s quite different to the previous release even though it hails from the same distillery.
Dead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat Cask is another release from the South Pacific Distillery, Fiji. However unlike the 20 Year Old Bourbon Cask release this is a Pot and Column blend of rums.
Foursquare Isonomy. The reviews haven’t been as prolific as usual of late. So we are falling behind a little with regards the latest releases in Foursquare’s Exceptional Cask Series.
To be honest the way the rums are selling out pretty much straight away the most likely place now to find a bottle of Isonomy is on the Secondary market. You may find the odd retailer has stock but they may be asking for a price above the original RRP.
Dead Reckoning Mutiny – South Pacific 20 Year Bourbon Cask. Finally the team over at Dead Reckoning Rum have released a rum outside of Australia. Rum fans in mainland Europe and the UK (if you can negotiate the horrors of Brex-shit) will now be able to source a Dead Reckoning release.
There are actually two Dead Reckoning Rum’s available in the European market – this one and a 10 Year Old also from South Pacific Distillery.
Dràm Mòr Single Cask Rum Uitvulgt Distillery Aged 24 Years. We are back today with what I think is the second Guyanese rum I have tried from Dràm Mòr Group. This time we are stepping back in time and enjoying a rum from a now defunct distillery – Uitvlugt.
Whilst the Uitvlugt distillery has long been mothballed a couple of the stills housed there, are now at Diamond Distillery/Demerara Distillers Limited. This particular bottling is noted as having the marque MPMM. Which suggests heavily that this a rum produced on the Port Mourant Double Wooden Pot Still.