Tag Archives: South Pacific Distillery

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning South Pacific 2 Year. Today I’ll be taking a look at another offering from Australian Independent bottler Dead Reckoning. This time they have bottled another rum from the South Pacific Distillery, which is to be found on the
island of Fiji.

Despite the quality of the rums from this distillery, they never seem to have “broken” the international market with their own recognisable brand. So the flag of South Pacific Distillery has often been flown by Independent bottlers. With Berry Bros & Rudd, S.B.S. and now Dead Reckoning being just some of the more prolific bottlers of such rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat Cask

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat CaskDead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat Cask. In my previous review I did mention that Dead Reckoning Rum had two releases for Europe. So that is what is up for appraisal today. It’s quite different to the previous release even though it hails from the same distillery.

Dead Reckoning South Pacific 10 Year Muscat Cask is another release from the South Pacific Distillery, Fiji. However unlike the 20 Year Old Bourbon Cask release this is a Pot and Column blend of rums. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dead Reckoning Mutiny – South Pacific 20 Year Bourbon Cask

Dead Reckoning Mutiny - South Pacific 20 Year Bourbon Cask rum review by the fat rum pirateDead Reckoning Mutiny – South Pacific 20 Year Bourbon Cask. Finally the team over at Dead Reckoning Rum have released a rum outside of Australia. Rum fans in mainland Europe and the UK (if you can negotiate the horrors of Brex-shit) will now be able to source a Dead Reckoning release.

There are actually two Dead Reckoning Rum’s available in the European market – this one and a 10 Year Old also from South Pacific Distillery. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ratu Dark Rum Aged 5 Years

Ratu Dark Rum Aged 5 Years Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRatu Dark Rum Aged 5 Years. It is perhaps a reflection of just how competitive (and cut throat) the Drinks Industry is, that a rum produced in conjunction with Coca-Cola has made next to no real impact upon the Rum World.

Ratu Dark Rum is produced by the Rum Co. of Fiji who distil all their products at the South Pacific Rum Distillery in Lautoka, Fiji. The distillery is best known to most Rum Geeks as the South Pacific Distillery. It is the only rum distillery on Fiji. It has been active since 1980. As well as the Ratu and Bati branded rums they also produce Bounty Rum. Which should not be confused with the Mars confectionery bar, or the rum range from Saint Lucia Distillers. I reviewed the Fiji Overproof Bounty rum a while back. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Holmes Cay Single Cask Rum Fiji 2004

Holmes Cay Single CaHolmes Cay Single Cask Rum Fiji 2004 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateHolmes Cay Single Cask Rum Fiji 2004. Fiji has been on the “rum radar” recently with Plantation Rum releasing the newest addition to their Signature Blends in the shape of the “Isle of Fiji” which I reviewed earlier this month. It has also been revealed that Plantation have an agreement with South Pacific Distillery (the only active distillery on Fiji) to be the exclusive buyer of their rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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