Tag Archives: Rum

Matugga Spiced Rum

MAtugga Spiced Rum Review by the fat rum pirateMatugga Spiced Rum is the latest in a batch of new Spiced Rums which are using English Spirit Distillery’s Old Salt Rum as their pot still rum base.

I recently reviewed Matugga Golden Rum just in time for its release at the London Rumfest in November.  I also published a press release which should explain just about everything you need to know about the brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Westerhall Estate White Jack

White Jack Westerhall rum review by the fat rum pirateWhite Jack is a rum produced by Westerhall Estate.  It is named White Jack as it is actually another celebrity tie in.  None other than Jack White of The White Stripes commissioned this White Overproof rum.

Okay that’s a lie but it’s safe to say that when I tried to “Google” some information on White Jack, I got far more results about the Top Hat and Trilby wearing front man of the American Lo-Fi Garage Rock duo than I did about White Jack! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Gold of Mauritius – Dark Rum

Gold of Mauritius Rum Review by the fat rum pirateGold of Mauritius quite a grandiose title and one which certainly sets this rum up as one that really needs to impress!  Mauritian rum has come to our attention before we have reviewed two Penny Blue expressions from the Medine Distillery.

Gold of Mauritus offers a slightly different take on rum – but lets not say too much at this point. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Pujol Dorado

imageFrench producers Bardinet are behind the Ron Pujol brand nowadays, though the rum has a heritage stretching back to 1818.

Research on the internet has been difficult – the official Ron Pujol website is in Spanish (it’s actually Catalan you ignoramous) and resists any translation.

It would seem that this is perhaps the Spanish version of Negrita?  For those not familiar with the brand, Ron Negrita is another of Bardinet’s offerings.  It is a mixture of agricole and molasses based      r(h)um and is popular and easy to find in both Spain and France.  Ron Pujol offers more of a “ron” experience than a “rhum”. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Westerhall Estate Jack Iron

Jack Iron Rum Review by the fat rum pirateWesterhall Estate Jack Iron Rum is a lightly coloured overproof rum from Grenada.

Distillation of rum at Westerhall Estate no longer takes place.  Instead rum is imported from the Angostura Distillery in Trinidad.  It is then blended and bottled at what remains of the Westerhall Estate.

The Estate acts more as a bottling plant and visitor centre now.  It is sad that so many distilleries no longer produce their own rums but unfortunately like so many smaller distillers – competing with the big hitters is proving increasingly difficult. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Duncan Taylor Single Cask Rum – St Lucia 11 Year Old (Cask 5)

Duncan Taylor 11 Year Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDuncan Taylor are primarily an Independent Scotch Whisky bottler, whom like Wm Cadenhead also dip their toes in the rum market.

Formed in 1938 the company transformed itself from a broker of whisky casks to distilleries and Independent bottlers, to producing and marketing their own brand bottlings. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Pyrat Pistol

Pyrat Pistol Rum Review by the fat rum piratePatron’s Pyrat XO Reserve is perhaps one of the most controversial rums on the planet.  Derided by many as little more than an orange flavour liqueur it still sells by the bucketload all around the world.

Pyrat XO Reserve offends people on many different levels.  Not only does the orange flavour gain criticism from those in hope of a more authentic rum its over the top packaging and garish orange box serves only to fuel people’s ire towards this rum.  Then of course is the little matter of the added sugar and the desecrating of what was at one point a very decent rum (when it was called Planter’s Punch and not owned by Patron – this is not my words just want I have noted online so don’t quote me!), which all adds upto it being the Marmite of rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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