Tag Archives: Rum

Beach Craft Spirits

Beach Craft Spirits Rum by the fat rum pirateBeach Craft Spirits – Crowdfunding in the Rum World.

A husband and wife team are opening a coastal based rum distillery.  It will be the first in Scotland to offer crowdfunding.

David and Lara Beach aim to raise £65,000 by the end October. To begin their dream of owning and operating what will be only the second craft rum distillery in the country. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Santiago de Cuba Anejo

Santiago de Cuba Anejo rum review by the fat rum pirateSantiago de Cuba rums are quite frustrating bottlings to find.  This is not because this site is American but imports of these rums seem to be quite sporadic. All manner of different aged expressions seem to come out of the distillery as well.

It is quite confusing sometimes to work out which is which. It is not unusual to see older style bottles still for sale online. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

When is Rum not a Rum?

10 Essential Bottles of RumRecently there was a debate at Tales of the Cocktail.  The debate centered around “When is rum not a rum?”.

Basically it was a discussion between those who add sugar (and/or other additives) and those who are very much against the practice.  This got me thinking about a subject which is very close to my heart. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron de Jeremy Reserva

Ron de Jeremy Reserva Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon de Jeremy Reserva is the flagship rum of One Eyed Spirit’s Ron de Jeremy portfolio.  It has been widely available for a number of years. It’s success is down to a mixture of clever (if slightly smutty) marketing and a respectable product.

For those who don’t know, Ron Jeremy is an adult film star – the hardest working man on the planet. As a result the marketing of this rum is full of puns and double entendres.  The name of the rum is a play on the Spanish word for rum – “ron”. No matter what you might think about marketing a rum with a short, fat ugly pornstar as its figurehead. It certainly seems to be working! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Classic Rum Enmore Still 1988

Bristol Classic Rum Enmore Still 1988 rum review by the fat rum pirateBristol Classic Rum are perhaps more famous for their red labelled Port Mo(u)rants.  This 1988 Enmore Still bottling seems to have flown under the radar. It has not attracted anywhere near as much attention.

As this Enmore Still rum was distilled in 1988.  It is likely that it was actually produced on the old Enmore Distillery site rather than Demerara Distiiilers Limited (DDL).  The record books tell me that Enmore Distillery did not cease production completely, until 1993. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Compagnie des Indes – Barbados 16 Year Old

CompagniedesindesBARBADOSCompagnie des Indes are a French based Independent bottler.  This Barbados offering is aged for 16 Years.  The distillate hails from the acclaimed Foursquare Distillery in St Philip.

Compagnie des Indes (East India Company) is the brainchild of Florent Beuchet.  Florent previously worked as the US Brand Ambassador for the Joseph Banks rum brand.  You may be familiar with their 5 and 7 Island blends.  They have also released some more expensive and very limited single cask rums. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Elements Eight Barrel Infused Criollo Cacao Rum

Elements Eight Barrel Infused Criiollo Cacao Rum review by the fat rum pirateElements Eight rums are quite visible in the UK marketplace.  Several more upmarket department stores stock the brand and it can be found in many style and cocktail bars.

Presentation wise that’s not really surprising as the tall square, high shouldered bottles are very pleasing on the eye.  They are however less pleasing on the shelves. You will find they are a lot taller than most spirits bottles – which can make them a bit of a pain to store. So it’s probably just as well that they have recently re-launched their rums with new packaging.  They have also decided to drop this offering. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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