Tag Archives: Rum

Hillery & Son Premium Rum Punch

HILLERY & SON rum punch review by the fat rum pirateHillery & Son is an authentic Premium Jamaican Rum Punch. Created from the closely guarded Bryan family recipe.  At least that is what the marketing says anyway!

Upto now the site has focused on rums and spiced rums.  We have featured the occasional liqueur but never any pre-mixed drinks or any of the “rum beers” which have sprung up over the past couple of years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Kill Devil Jamaica 24 Year Old

Kill Devil Hampden Jamaica 24 year old cask strength rum review by the fat rum pirateScotch Whisky bottler Hunter Laing and Co Ltd, released their range of Kill Devil rums early in 2016.  Not so hidden amongst the interest were a number of comments on the strength of the rums.

All the rums released initially were bottled at 46% ABV.  This disappointed quite a few rum connoisseur’s who had hoped to see Cask Strength releases. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cadenhead’s Travellers Distillery 9 Year Old

WM CADENHEAD TRAVELLERS distlillery rum review by the fat rum pirateWM Cadenhead or Cadenhead’s are an independent Whisky, Rum and Gin bottler from Scotland.   The bottling up for review today is a Cask Strength release from 2015.  It is pretty much sold out now and hard to find.

When released this rum retailed at around the £50 mark.  Part of the reason why it didn’t last too long on the shelves.  It is a 9 year old rum – distilled back in 2005 and bottled in September 2015.  It is from the Travellers Distillery on the Caribbean Island of Belize. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum Nation Panama 18 Year Old – 2014

Rum Nation Panama 18 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRum Nation are an Italian Independent bottler headed up by Fabio Rossi.  It was formed in 1999 and has the tagline Single Domaine Rum.

In keeping with many Independent bottlers Rum Nation do not give specific information on the distillery and or still.  In most instances you just get the country of origin. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 Version Integrale

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 rum review by the fat rum pirateRhum Rhum is a collaboration between Luca Gargano of Velier and Master Distiller Vittorio Capovilla.

Using small copper pot stills located near to the Bielle distillery on Marie-Galante – a small, very rural island just off the coast of Guadaloupe.

Rhum Rhum Liberation 2012 has been released at two differing ABV’s this “Version Integrale” is bottled at a hefty 59.8%.  1420 bottles were produced. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Premium Rum The Impossible Task? – Part One

Premium Rum the impossible task rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Oxford English Dictionary notes a number of uses and meanings for the word Premium.  In the context of this article the meaning is as follows

“Relating to or denoting a commodity of superior quality and therefore a higher price”

Which is pretty simple and easy to understand.  So lets take a look at a few Premium rums.  In this scenario the word is defined by the fact the rum itself promotes itself as Premium, on its bottle. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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An Interview with Carl Stephenson – Elements Eight

Elements Eight Carl Stephension Interview Daiquiri rum by the fat rum pirateFor those of you who aren’t familiar with Elements Eight they are an Independent  British Spirits Company.  Elements Eight refers to the eight elements which make up their final product.  Elements Eight rums are also a blend of eight separate rums.

The company has been operating since 2006.  As well as celebrating their tenth year in business in 2016, Elements Eight have also re-designed and re-vamped their packaging and line up. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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