Tag Archives: 4 star

Rhum Bologne VO Rhum Vieux

. Rhum Bologne VO Rum review by the fat rum pirateRhum Bologne VO Rhum Vieux. When I first bought a couple of bottle of Rhum Bologne (on offer from Amazon), I didn’t think I had reviewed any “Rhum Bologne”.

However, upon doing a bit of research I realised I had of course reviewed their Rhum Bologne Black Cane way back in 2017. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum

Ron Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Colon Salvadoreno Coffee Infused High Proof Rum. I’ve got to say if I was going to introduce a rum brand to the market, I probably wouldn’t call it “Colon”. The meaning in English doesn’t really work that well.

Having said that in the current climate the fact was the Spanish name of Christopher Columbus – Cristobar Colon probably doesn’t help either…..This rum, however is named after the “Colon” which was used as the El Salvadorian currency from 1892 till 2001. When it was replaced by the US dollar. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

J Gow Revenge Aged 3 Years

J Gow Revenge Aged 3 Years Rum Review by the fat rum pirateJ Gow Revenge Aged 3 Years. This is the third aged release from VS Distillers, who are based in the Orkney Islands, just off the North East coast of Bonny Scotland. VS Distillers refers to the man behind J Gow Rum Collin Van chayk. Clever eh?

I’ve previously reviewed Fading Light and Hidden Depths (Vol 1) so if you are unfamiliar with VS Distillers, you might want to read up on those expressions as well. J Gow also produce a Spiced Rum, which I have yet to review. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

MOB33 Gold Heist Rum

Mob33 Gold Heist Rum review by the fat rum pirateMOB33 Gold Heist Rum. A bit of American History is required to make sense of the name of this rum. In 1920, the US introduced Prohibition, which banned the sale of alcohol for anything (pretty much) other than medical purposes. Bizarrely enough at the time you could Bourbon for medicinal purposes and it wasn’t seen as a joke. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Privateer International Distillers Drawer When in Rum Overproof Rum

Privateer International Distillers Drawer When in Rum Overproof Rum review by the fat rum piratePrivateer International Distillers Drawer When in Rum Overproof Rum. Thanks to increased distribution in Europe and very generous samples from rum fans around the world, I’m beginning to build up a nice set of Privateer Rum reviews.

In this instance huge thanks to the person who sent me this particular sample of Overproof Rum. Very much appreciated. I often think I should thank people personally but I worry I may embarrass some. I could ask in advance I suppose….. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rosemullion Distillery Gold Rum

Rosemullion Distillery Gold Rum review by the fat rum pirateRosemullion Distillery Gold Rum. Over the past 5 or so years there has been an explosion of rum being produced in the UK. I’ve covered quite a bit of it. Some rum being marketed as “British Rum” is actually Caribbean rum that is either being re-distilled or having spices, botanicals and/or flavours added. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Companheira Extra Premium Carvalho

Companheira Extra Premium Carvalho cachaca review by the fat rum pirateCompanheira Extra Premium Carvalho. This is the third cachaca from Companheira that I have reviewed. Confusingly, one of those cachaca’s was also called Companheira Extra Premium minus the Carvalho part. However, it is also aged in Carvalho (oak).

The difference between the two products seems to be a simple case of age. So although both are noted as “Extra Premium” (a nonsense in itself) this one has been aged in oak barrels for 4 years as opposed to 8 years for the Extra Premium. How this makes them both “Extra Premium” is beyond me. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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