Tag Archives: Spiced Rum

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold

Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCaptain Morgan along with Bacardi probably gets the most abuse of all the rum companies.  It is part of drinks giant Diageo’s portfolio of brands and is one of the most recognised throughout the world.

Whilst the companies Jamaica (or Dark) rum really isn’t worthy of too much criticism (it’s decidedly average), like Bacardi the strange flavoured rums the group have released, particularly over the pond are never going to win them many fans amongst rum conisseurs or purists. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rums Sweet Spot

consignment3For many years Rum has struggled with something of an image problem.  Still seen by many as a cheap drink to be taken mixed and in excess by teenagers in search of a good time.  Attempts to “Premiumise” rum have done little to convince those outside rum circles that Killdevil is a legitimate alternative to classic spirits such as Whisk(e)y and Gin.  In many ways the “Premiumisation” of Rum has actually done it’s image  more harm than good. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum of the Month September 2015

2015 Rum of the MonthAs the British Summertime fades (we got the usual 4 genuinely Sunny Days) attention turns to our Autumn season.

To be honest up here in the North of England we only really get two Seasons Autumn and Winter.  It’s either a bit cold or very cold.  We might get the odd few days of sunshine but they are few and far between.  We get our two weeks of sunshine when we go on our holidays…… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

M&S Gingerbread Rum

M&S Gingerbread Rum review by the fat rum pirateMost supermarkets in the UK have their own brand spirits.  Marks and Spencer (or M&S for short), however do not do anything by halves.

So rather than trot out just a standard white and dark Caribbean rum, they have actually got some pretty interesting rums on their shelves.

The M&S Bajan Estate XO and Guatemalan Plantation rums have both been uncovered as being supplied by Cognac Ferrand’s rum blending wing Plantation Rum.  The information on this bottle which states the rum is produced and bottled in France leads me to believe that this Gingerbread flavoured offering is also from Plantation Rum.  NB – Since writing this review I have been informed by Nick Rodgers who works alongside Cognac Ferrand and Plantation Rum that is not a product produced by Plantation. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Red Leg Spiced Rum

Red Leg Spiced Rum reivew by the fat rum pirateIn 2012 following the loss of the rights for Cockspur Rum back in 2010, Blavod Wines and Spirits introduced a new spiced rum to the market – Red Leg Spiced Rum.  Please note at this stage the official way to title this rum is to keep the Red and the Leg together (But with the L still capitalised) – RedLeg.  However for purposes of people searching the web for this I figured it best to keep it separate on the title etc. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Old Amazon No1. Tonka Bean Infused Rum

Old Amazon No1. Tonka Bean Infused Rum Review by the fat rum pirateOld Amazon No1. is the brainchild of Olly Simpson who is behind along with two of his friends Rum Fellows Ltd.  In 2014, Olly tested his rum infusions on unsuspecting friends at a BBQ.  Inspired by their positive reaction he set about Rum Fellows first creation…..

I’m always interested (often sceptical) in new rums and this Rum Infusion sparked my interest immediately.  Being a British rum did nothing to sway my enthusiasm. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

5 Spiced Rums You Should Try

imageSpiced Rum comes in for a lot of flak.  It is widely viewed as a cheap party drink and in the US it is widely seen as a Frat House mixer.  Drank with the sole purpose of getting very drunk, very quickly.

Here in the UK many peoples views on Spiced Rum have been clouded by Morgan’s Spiced Gold and Sailor Jerry.  In the late 00’s Sailor Jerry and Cola was actually the “in” drink for a short period.  For reasons which have never been fully explained the Sailor Jerry boom in the UK was cut short, not by changing trends but by the actual producers of the rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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