Rum of the Month September 2015

2015 Rum of the MonthAs the British Summertime fades (we got the usual 4 genuinely Sunny Days) attention turns to our Autumn season.

To be honest up here in the North of England we only really get two Seasons Autumn and Winter.  It’s either a bit cold or very cold.  We might get the odd few days of sunshine but they are few and far between.  We get our two weeks of sunshine when we go on our holidays……

So with it being cold and dark on a morning when you go to work and cold and dark on a night when you come home it can be quite a depressing time of year!

However help I believe is at hand with one of the best Winter Warmers available in the Rum Market.  The only Spiced or Flavoured Rum to have received the full 5 star treatment on our site.  Bristol Black Spiced Rum is slightly more expensive than the majority of Spiced Rum but it more than justifies the price tag.

If you are looking to give yourself a little cheer on a cold dark night this works brilliantly in a nice rum and cola or even on its own, warmed slightly in the microwave it gives a lovely warming treat.

More excellent stuff from Bristol and perfect for British Winters/Autumns!

Bristol Black Spiced rum reviiew by the fat rum pirate




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