Tag Archives: Rum

Kill Devil Cuba 17 Year Old 1999

kill devil cuba santci spiritus rum review by the fat rum pirateKill Devil are and ever increasing range of Independently bottled rums from Whisky bottler Hunter Laing.  Unsurprisingly perhaps Whisky based online retailers such as The Whisky Exchange and Master of Malt have been stocking their rums from the outset.

As a curious rum consumer and a lover of Independent bottlers I’ve found myself with a good few bottles and samples. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

El Dorado Rare Collection Enmore 1993

EL DORADO ENMORE RARE COLLECTION rum review by the fat rum pirateThe El Dorado Rare Collection will likely need little introduction.  This is a rum from the Enmore EHP (Edward Henry Porter – original owner of what was the Enmore Estate) Wooden Coffey Still.

Which is one the most heralded stills in DDL’s portfolio.  It is capable of producing a number of different marques of rum from light to heavy and is featured regularly in both El Dorado’s and other independently produced blends. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Foursquare Rum Distillery 2006

Velier Foursquare 2006 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateFoursquare 2006. The first collaboration between Velier and Foursquare Distillery, Barbados.  This will certainly not be the last.  With Velier no longer issuing their acclaimed aged Demerara rums from DDL, Luca Gargano has began sourcing rum from other distilleries to release under the Velier banner. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Don Q Signature Release Single Barrel 2005

DONQ Signature Release Single Barrel 2005 Rum Review by the fatr rum pirateDon Q Signature Release for 2016 is a Single Barrel rum from 2005.  Don Q are amongst a number of producers who are making noises about “no addtives” in their rum.  They freely invite you to test their wares as they know they have not added anything.

Despite this I still notice a lot of scepticism in the rum community concerning Don Q rums.  Much of this based on the fact they produce multi column distilled rums.  All I will say to those sceptical about their rums is try one, especially their Anejo or Gran Anejo. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Premium Rum The Impossible Task? – Part Two

premium rum the impossible task part two by the fat rum pirateIn the first part of this series we touched upon how rums are labelled.  I used an example to show how confusing it can be to determine a Premium rum.

Marketing and packaging play a huge role in what the end consumer buys.  No matter who you are, you will encounter and be influenced by marketing at some stage.  Even if you think you aren’t. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Expressions – Old Man Rum Co.

Expressions Old Man Rum Co Review by the fat rum pirateExpressions is the first in a series of Aged Pot Still Rums, to be released by the newly formed Old Man Rum Co.

Hailing from Northumberland, in the North East of England the Old Man Rum Co. is headed by Ian Linsley.  A specialist Rum Blender who has a lifetime of experience in the drinks industry. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Legendario Elixir de Cuba

Legendario Elixir de Cuba Rum review by the fat rum pirateLegendario’s Elxir de Cuba is perhaps the most confusing bottle of rum in the world.  Which in itself meant I had to get a hold of this Cuban curiosity for a review.

I picked the Legendario up on a visit to Spain,  I had been curious about their rums for some time.  I was especially curious about this 7 Year Old rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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