Tag Archives: Rhum Agricole

Rhum J.M XO – Tres Vieux Rhum Agricole

Rhum JM XO Agricole Rhum Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRhum J.M XO. When it comes to Agricole Rhum this bottling from Martinican rhum producer J.M is akin to the likes of R.L Seale’s 10 Year Old or Appleton 12 Year Old in the field of Bajan and Jamaican rum.

It is universally well-regarded and a real staple of the rhum world. It offers a fantastic introduction to higher end Agricole Rhum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Saint James XO Rhum Vieux Agricole

Saint James XO Rum Rhum Review by the fat rum pirateSaint James XO Rhum Vieux Agricole. In all honesty I’m not totally sure if this is a bottling which replaces a previous XO or another rhum in the Saint James line up. Or is just a completely new release?

Saint James have a number of rums in their line up and the website isn’t always as up to date, as I would perhaps like. Couple this, with the fact that so many older bottlings lurk in various guises on numerous online stores. So I haven’t really researched, too much into the history of this particular rhum. I just end up giving myself a sore head and getting no further forward. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Saint James Rhum Vieux 7 Year Old

Saint James Rhum Vieux 7 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateSaint James Rhum Vieux 7 Year Old. Saint James are a Rhum Agricole producer from the island of Martinique. Back in 2014 they revamped and released a range of specific age statement rhums. A 7,12 and 15 year old made up the range. Today we will be looking at the youngest of those rhums.

Saint James have featured on the site before. I reviewed their Saint James Heritage rum which was a puzzling blend of caribbean rums and their own agricole rhum. I also reviewed their more regarded Rhum Ambre. This is a review I need to re-visit as my appreciation of Rhum Agricole has risen considerably since I wrote that back in 2013/4. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Clement Rhum Ambre

Rhum Clement Rhum Ambre Rum review by the fat rum pirateRhum Clement Rhum Ambre. Clement as the bottle clearly advises are a rhum agricole producer from the French speaking island of Martinique.

Homère Clément, physician and mayor of Le François, purchased the prestigious 43 hectare sugar plantation, Domaine de L’Acajou in 1887. He pioneered the production of Rhum Agricole. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum Nation Rare Rums Engenho Novo 2009 2017

Rum Nation Rare Rums Engenho Novo Small Batch Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRum Nation Rare Rums Engenho Novo. Rum Nation are an Italian Independent bottler. Their “Rare Rums” series is a new venture by them in 2017. They have released a number of rums in this series. They are noted as being “Small Batch” rather than Single Cask.

Engenho Novo is a new name to me in the rum world. Engenho Novo is actually a middle class suburb of Rio in Brasil but it is also the name of a spirits producer from the Portugese island of Madeira. Unfortunately the groups website is down at the moment and I have little information to go on. I presume that Engenho Novo comprises of the distillery which produces the William Hinton line of rums that have recently become more commerically available over here in the UK. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum J.M Millesime 2003

Rhum J.M are an Agricole Rhum producer from Macouba on the French speaking Caribbean island of Martinique.

Located in northern Martinique at the foot of Mount Pelée.Habitation Bellevue produces sugarcane which is grown up the face of a volcano.

The Housing Bellevue, located on the flanks of Mount Pelee, with rich volcanic soil, allows the sugar cane used exclusively by Rhum J.M. to have unique flavour.  Agricole Rhum producers are very keen on using marketing terms such as “terroir” when describing their rums.  This is because Agricole in the main, is produced on only a few small islands so it doesn’t have quite as much obvious or immediate diversity as the molasses rum world. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro Rum Review by the fat rum pirateYaguara Cachaca Ouro came to UK shores last year.  It seems the Brazilian “rum” is beginning to catch on.  Cachaca brands are becoming more commonplace at UK Rum Festivals and trade shows. Cachaca once again highlights the diversity in Sugar Cane Spirits.

Yaguara Cachaca Ouro is an aged Cachaca. The producers note it is small batch artisinal Cachaca.  Produced in Copper Pot Stills.  They have quite an impressive and informative website.  They have been producing Cachaca for 5 generations. So they are not a new company but their products are new to the UK. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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