Tag Archives: Independent Bottling

The Duchess Guyana 27 Years Old Rum

The Duchess Guyana 27 Years Old Rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Duchess Guyana 27 Years Old Rum. The Duchess are back in 2021 with another release in their Tropical Hummingbirds series. These rums got a lot of positive reviews (not just from me) and comments in 2020. Here’s hoping Nils Van Rijn, the man behind the brand can continue his excellent barrel picks! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

The Duchess Barbados 19 Year Old Rum

The Duchess Barbados 19 Year Old Rum review by the fat rum pirateThe Duchess Barbados 19 Year Old Rum. We have another bottling in the The Duchess “Hummingbird” series for review today. This bottling is noted as being “Distilled at Barbados Oldest” on the front label. Which as many a rum enthusiast means Mount Gay Rum Distillery, Bridgetown, Barbados. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

That Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela

That Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela rum review by the fat rum pirateThat Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela. This South American country is perhaps not the first location you might conjure up when thinking about rum producing countries but there is little doubt that it shifts a fair amount of the noble spirit.

Brands such as Pampero, Cacique and Santa Teresa have long been staples in many bars the world over. As I was beginning my Rum Journey early in the last decade it was frequently noted that Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva, was the “best” or one of the best rums in the world. Whilst that opinion may have shifted in more serious rum circles it is still a very high selling brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

That Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #4 Grenada

That Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #4 GrenadaThat Boutique-y Rum Company Secret Distillery #4 Grenada. I’m not sure whether the Boutique-y Rum Company are purposefully attempting to have the longest name for a rum ever put on a bottle, but they seem to be doing a good job if they are. Catchy is not a word I would use to describe their bottlings. Though the company name is quite quirky and the designs on the bottle are very distinctive. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cadenhead’s Classic Rum Aged 17 Years

Cadenhead's Classic Rum Aged 17 Years Rum review by the fat rum pirateCadenhead’s Classic Rum Aged 17 Years. I reviewed Cadenhead’s Classic Rum way back in 2015, when I was just cutting my teeth in the review world. I liked it quite a lot and along with their 1842 cask became quite a fan of these blended rums from the Scottish Indie Bottler.

Now Cadenhead’s are not one of the new kids on the block when it comes to bottling fine spirits. Indeed they recently celebrated 175 Years in the business. They are proudly Scotland’s oldest Independent bottler. So they know a thing or two. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Clarendon 2007 Aged 12 Years Selected by Thompson Bros

Clarendon 2007 Aged 12 Years Selected by Thompson Bros rum review by the fat rum pirateClarendon 2007 Aged 12 Years Selected by Thompson Bros. These rather nicely presented bottlings of Independently bottled Caribbean rum, first came to my attention with another Jamaican rum. That rum was bottled exclusively for The Whisky Exchange and came from Worthy Park it was also 12 Years Old. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

S.B.S – The 1423 Single Barrel Selection Trinidad 2008

S.B.S - The 1423 Single Barrel Selection Trinidad 2008 rum review by the fat rum pirateS.B.S – The Single Barrel Selection Trinidad 2008. This is the latest in the 2019 series of single cask bottlings by our Danish Friends 1423.dk. Availability of these rums has increased recently as they being imported into the UK by Skylark Spirits and are readily available on Amazon and now Master of Malt. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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