Category Archives: That Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela

That Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela

That Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela rum review by the fat rum pirateThat Boutique-y Rum Company C.A.C.D Venezuela. This South American country is perhaps not the first location you might conjure up when thinking about rum producing countries but there is little doubt that it shifts a fair amount of the noble spirit.

Brands such as Pampero, Cacique and Santa Teresa have long been staples in many bars the world over. As I was beginning my Rum Journey early in the last decade it was frequently noted that Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva, was the “best” or one of the best rums in the world. Whilst that opinion may have shifted in more serious rum circles it is still a very high selling brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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