Tag Archives: Dark Rum

Rum Artesenal Guyana Rum Enmore

rum artesenal guyana review by the fat rum pirateRum Artesenal are a small Independent bottler from Germany.  They have bottled a number of rums from various sources over the past couple of years.

Unfortunately due to the size of the operation and the language barrier, I have been unable to find any other information on them.

Their rums are available in Germany, Denmark and other parts of mainland Europe.  I have not seen any bottlings from them in the UK. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Diplomatico Mantuano

Diplomatico Botucal Mantuano Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDiplomatico (or Botucal in Germany) Mantuano – meaning nobleman and also a cocoa producing town in Venezeula.  Which is where Diplomatico rums are produced.

Diplomatico Mantuano was showcased at the London Rumfest in October 2016.  It is a direct replacement for the companies Reserva rum.  It has retained the orange parts of that rums colour scheme and the ornate rounded stubby bottle.  I always feel these bottles look smaller than most 70cl bottles.  Clearly this is an optical illusion as they hold the same amount of liquor. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Duncan Taylor Uitvlugt 1998 Single Cask Rum

Duncan Duncan Taylor Rum Guyana Uitvlugt review by the fat rum pirateTaylor are an Independent bottler of whisky and rum from Scotland.  This is a Uitvlugt Demerara rum.  Uitvlugt is the name of a now defunct distillery. Some of the stills from this distillery are now housed at Demerara Distillers Limited or the Diamond Distillery if you prefer.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the exact origin of all the Independently bottled Demerara/Guyana rums.  Not only are bottlers using non-standard terms. Some are using the old Distillery names, some the stills and others are just stating Diamond Distillery. There is also an issue with where the stills on which these rums were at the time of bottling. This is particularly confusing the older the rums are. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Botran Ron Anejo 12

Botran Ron Anejo 12 Rum review by the fat rum pirateBotran are a rum brand from Guatemala.  The rums are distilled at the same distilleries as Ron Zacapa – Industrias Licoreras de Guatemala.

Botran have had a few makeovers/changes in their line up over the past few years.  Which has made researching this rum quite confusing to be honest!

As common with many Central American rums Botran adopt a Solera system.  So whilst this rum is noted as Ron Anejo 12 in big letters on the bottle – the small print reveals Sistema Solera. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Arehucas Carta Oro – Golden Rum

Arehucas Carta Oro Rum Review by the fat rum pirateDestilleras Arehucas have been producing rum in the Canary Islands since 1884.  So they have over 130 years of rum making experience.

Honey Rum (or Ron Miel) from the Canary Islands is quite famous.  It is basically a golden rum blended with honey.  The ABV of which is usually around the 20% mark.  Making it more of a liqueur than a rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Plantation O.F.T.D. – Old Fashioned Traditional Dark

Plantation O.F.T.D. OFTD Rum review by the fat rum piratePlantation O.F.T.D is another trip into history from the French producers.  Following on from the Stiggins’ Fancy Pineapple rum, O.F.T.D. which stands for Old Fashioned Traditional Dark is another attempt at recapturing the rum glories of old.

The rum seems to be a replcacement for the brands older Original Dark Overproof rum.  This means that both the Overproof and standard proof Original Dark rum have been given an overhaul.  Both rums were originally made up of rum from Trinidad.  I personally didn’t care much for either and went as far as suggesting the standard Original Dark was no better than supermarket rum such as Tesco’s Dark Rum – which is also a Trinidad “blend”.  As a result neither rum scored particularly highly. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cacique 500 Extra Anejo Gran Reserva

Cacique 500 Gran Anejo Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCacique is a rum brand from Venezuela. Home of Pampero and Santa Teresa.  Produced by Destilerias Unidas S.A,  (DUSA).  The distillery best known for arguably the most recognisable Venezeulan rum brand – Diplomatico.  The brand is now owned by industry giant Diageo.  Quite what relevance Cacique 500 has I’ve been unable to find out? I guess it might be some kind of anniversary, perhaps. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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