Tag Archives: Haitian Rum

Plantation Haiti XO – White Pineau Finish

Plantation Haiti XO rum review by the fat rum pirate 2Plantation Haiti XO.  A Single Cask bottling for the Mercury Bar.  The Mercury Bar is a bar/restaurant in London W4 as far as I am aware anyway.  It could be a number of other places all around the world.  Until I’m told otherwise I’ll stick with the one in London.

Plantation Haiti XO is a rum from (I presume) Haitian distillery Barbancourt.  It was aged for 8 years in the tropical climate of Hait in ex-bourbon casks.  It was then transferred to France where it was aged for a further 3 years in White Pineau “Ferrand” casks.  White Pineau is a French Fortified Wine. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Clairin Casimir

Clairin Casimir 2 rum review by the fat rum pirateClairin Casimir (batch 2) hails from the Douglas Casimir Distillery in Baraderes, Haiti.  The Clairins (Vaval and Sajous) are series of three different Clairins from three different distilleries all on Haiti.  Exported from Haiti by Velier for the European market.

Clairin is a spirit distilled from sugar cane juice rather than molasses.  It is technically very similar to rhum agricole.  Due to the relatively lo-fi nature of the distilleries and their traditional methods clairin is much less refined and more “raw” than most rhum agricole. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Barbancourt Reserve Speciale 5 Star 8 Year Old

Barbancourt 5 star rum review by the fat rum pirateHaiti occupies the smaller Western part of the Island of Hispaniola (the island is shared with the Dominican Republic.  Despite this Haiti is the most populated full-member state in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).  It is famous for exports of cotton clothing, coffee, mangoes and to a lesser degree r(h)um. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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