Tag Archives: 2 star

Cacique Ron Anejo Superior

Cacique Anejo Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Cacique (which means leader of the tribe in Spanish) is the top selling rum brand in its homeland Venezuela.  This news may come as a surprise to those more familiar with Venezuelan rums such as Pampero and Diplomatico.  What shouldn’t come as any surprise is that Cacique has the marketing power of Diageo behind it. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Yacare Anejo

Ron Yacare Review by the fat rum pirateRon Yacare is an Anejo (aged) rum from the Dominican Republic.  It has been difficult to find any information regarding this rum, mainly due to this being predominantly for the Spanish speaking market.

Ron Yacare from the information on the bottle is distributed by Carrefour Supermarket group.  I assume it is available in their stores, which are found mostly in France and Spain.  From web searches they also produce a Honey based Ron Miel and they have a Viejo and Reserva Exclusiva expression as well.  I think that Yacare is more of a brand name and I do not think all of the rums in their range come from the Dominican Republic. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

M&S Gingerbread Rum

M&S Gingerbread Rum review by the fat rum pirateMost supermarkets in the UK have their own brand spirits.  Marks and Spencer (or M&S for short), however do not do anything by halves.

So rather than trot out just a standard white and dark Caribbean rum, they have actually got some pretty interesting rums on their shelves.

The M&S Bajan Estate XO and Guatemalan Plantation rums have both been uncovered as being supplied by Cognac Ferrand’s rum blending wing Plantation Rum.  The information on this bottle which states the rum is produced and bottled in France leads me to believe that this Gingerbread flavoured offering is also from Plantation Rum.  NB – Since writing this review I have been informed by Nick Rodgers who works alongside Cognac Ferrand and Plantation Rum that is not a product produced by Plantation. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Havana Club 15 Anos

HavanaClub15In 2014 Havana Club updated the presentation of their 15 year old rum.  Along with the update of the former Barrel Proof to Seleccion de Maestros and with a new cigar pairing rum to be released, Havana Club were geared to introducing a new range.

That new range was named the Iconica Collection and comprises of Seleccion de Maestros, Havana 15 Year Anos, Union and Maximo.  All the rums now come in a sleek bottle along the lines of this one. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Mezan Guyana 1998 Uitvlugt

Mezan Guyana Rum - Uitvluigt 1998 review by the fat rum pirateMezan are a relatively new independent bottler.  They are in Marussia Beverages portfolio (which also include’s Doorly’s).  I’ve spoken with the firm so hopefully I will be able to ask them more questions etc in the near future.  Their website does have a lot of good information though and showcases the brands current line up of rums. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bacardi Carta Oro (Gold)

Bacardi Carta Oro (Bacardi Gold) rum review by the fat rum pirateBacardi re-launched this rum only last year in the UK.  Until then Bacardi Gold (as it was then) was bottled at 37.5% ABV.  This was increased to 40% ABV.  Now the whole Bacardi line up has been re-vamped and Bacardi Gold has been re-named in a more contermporary style whilst still keeping some of the distinguishing Bacardi features. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Havana Club Anejo Especial

Havana Club Anejo Especial rum review by the fat rum pirateHavana Club have recently re-branded and re-formulated their entry level Anejo Especial dark rum.  Whether this has anything to do with Bacardi’s recent re-branding exercise I’m not sure.  I doubt however that the two giants weren’t aware of what the other had planned…… Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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