Tag Archives: Rum

Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Rum

Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Rum will be for many the top of the tree in terms of Appleton tasting.

With the Appleton Estate 21 Year Old coming in (depending on how savvy you shop), at just over £100, the 30 Year Old now largely unavailable and the Exclusive only available at the Appleton Distillery, it is unlikely many will make the jump from a £100 rum to the next readily available rum.  The 50 Year Old.  The £3500 price tag will put off most of you reading this review. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum-Bar Rum Cream

Rum Bar Rum Cream Review by the fat rum pirateRum-Bar Rum Cream from Worthy Park Estate, Jamaica.  Until recently only rums and spiced rums have featured for review on the site.

With Christmas upon us I figured, we may as well continue the festive theme of the Rumvent Calendar with a liqueur!

Whisky based liqueurs such as Baileys are very popular in the UK, especially in the run up to Christmas.  Most Supermarkets discount them and price-wars frequently break out. A more “premium” Deluxe Baileys was released recently believe it or not! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

FAIR 10 Year Old Rum

FAIR 10 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateFAIR Spirits are the first line of socially responsible spirits, so the tagline on their website goes.

This 10 year old rum hails from Belize a Central American country which shares it eastern shoreline with the Caribbean sea.  I have reviewed a couple of rums previously from Belize.  One bottled directly by their largest rum operation Travellers and one which was produced for a third party – much like this FAIR rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Westerhall Plantation Rum

Westerhall Plantation Rum Review by the fat rum pirateWesterhall Estate was once a bustling hive of sugar and rum production on the island of Grenada.  Nowadays the Estate offers a visitors centre to remind visitors of the rum and sugar production of the past.

Rum is still produced under the Westerhall Estate brand.  However, it is no longer rum made from native sugar cane, not is it made from rum distilled on the island.  Westerhall’s rums are made from rum imported from Trinidad, bottled and blended on the island. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rum Chata – Liqueur with Rum

RUM CHATA rum review by the fat rum pirateRum Chata is a product new to the UK market in 2015. It is noted in other territories as “Horchata con Ron”.  For those not familiar with the term, “Horchata” is in this particular instance a rice, milk or cream based drink with vanilla and Cinnamon flavourings common in Mexico. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Banks Connoisseurs Cut – Guyana 59.58% Dark Rum

BANKSCONOISSEURSCUT GUYANABanks are probably best known for their 5 and 7 Island Blends.  In July 2015 Banks Rums were bought out by Bacardi.  What plans Bacardi have for Banks Rum is anyones guess.  So far no changes have taken place

This Banks Guyana rum is part of their Limited Edition Connoisseurs Cut range.  It should not be confused with the rums from Banks DIH (Demerara Ice House) from Guyana who bottle their own range of rums – XM. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Lord Nelson’s Spiced Rum Liqueur

Lord Nelson's Spiced Rum Liqueur review by the fat rum pirateLord Nelson’s Spiced Rum Liqueur represents the first liqueur which I have reviewed on the site.  Well the first drink which is actually labelled as a liqueur anyway…….

Produced as a Naval Tribute to Lord Nelson (myth states that his body was preserved in rum for his final journey home) this is another product from the Hebridean Liqueur Company for me to review. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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