Tag Archives: White Cachaca

Cachaca Tabua Flor de Prata

Cachaca Tabua Flor de Prata rum review by the fat rum pirate Cachaca Tabua Flor de Prata. We are back in Salinas, Minas Gerais for this review of a white cachaca from  Tabua Industria e Comercio de Cachaca Ltda. Luckily they stick to just Tabua for this brand of cachaca.

Cachaca Tabua have two cachaca’s in their portfolio. This Flor de Ouro and a cachaca Flor de Ouro which is aged for 10 years in Balsam casks. Cachaca Tabua Flor de Prata has been bottled at 42% ABV. It is available in a variety of bottles sizes 50ml, 600ml, 670ml and 700ml. The price of the 600ml – 700ml size bottles seems to to vary quite a bit online. It can even be found on Amazon for R$45. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Japi Classica

Cachaca Japi Classica Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Japi Classica. This cachaca hails from Itupeva, Sao Paulo. It is produced at the JP Distillery. Cachaca production at JP Distillery began as far back as 1890. However, in 1925 the property on which the distillery was housed was sold to an Italian immigrant Cyrineo Tonol.

Cyrineo decided that he wished to cultivate coffee as it was more lucrative so the distillery was deactived and the cultivation of coffee beans began. Unfortunately partly due to the US Stock Market crash and the resulting “Great Depression” demand and the price of coffee plummeted between 1929 and 1931. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Sagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Pura

Sagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Rum review by the fat rum pirateSagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Pura. In all honesty I had quite forgotten this brand of cachaça even existed. Way back in 2009 before I had really started any kind of rum or cachaça journey I enjoyed the occasional bottle of Bacardi. Back then that was “premium” to me and yes we are talking about the Carta Blanca and flavoured variants. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Magnifica de Faria Tradicional

Magnifica de Faria Tradicional Cachaca rum review by the fat rum pirateMagnifica de Faria Tradicional. At last we have a cachaça which is available in the UK (and in parts of Europe). I first came across this brand and cachaça around 7 to 8 years ago in a chain restaurant here in the UK.

Las Iguanas is the name of said restaurant. The restaurant is a Latin American themed restaurant – with some of their dishes being Brasillian in origin (well you know as Brasillian as a Chicken Tikka Masala is Indian) they serve Cachaca. Their own brand nonetheless Magnifica. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Tie Prata

Cachaca Tie Prata Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Tie Prata. This is another Cachaca from the Minas Gerais region of Brasil. This hails from Aiuruoca to be exact.

Cachaca Tie are a relatively small producer by Cachaca standards with approximately 35,000 litres of Cachaca produced per year.

Despite a number of long standing Cachaca producers in the Minas Gerais region Tie are also a fairly new producer. They currently have 3 Cachaca’s in their line up – Prata, Ouro and Canelinha. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Avua Cachaca Prata

Avua Cachaca Prata Rum Review by the fat rum pirateAvua Cachaca Prata. Avua are a brand/bottler rather than the name of a producer. They have the Cachaca distilled and bottled for them. They have began importing Cachaca into the US and Europe recently.

So this is one of the few cachaça I have been reviewing recently that I have a conventional 70cl/700ml “European” bottle. And I can actually get myself another one should I wish to do so! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Serra Preta

Cachaca Serra Preta Rum review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Serra Pretta. As the bottle tells us this has been in production since 1908. So we have over 100 years worth of Cachaca producing experience behind this Cachaca.

Serra Preta is produced from cane to bottle at the Novo and Beatriz sugar estates 6 Kilometres from the town of Alagoa Nova, Pernambuco State, Paraiba. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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