Tag Archives: Premium Cachaca

Companheira Extra Premium Carvalho

Companheira Extra Premium Carvalho cachaca review by the fat rum pirateCompanheira Extra Premium Carvalho. This is the third cachaca from Companheira that I have reviewed. Confusingly, one of those cachaca’s was also called Companheira Extra Premium minus the Carvalho part. However, it is also aged in Carvalho (oak).

The difference between the two products seems to be a simple case of age. So although both are noted as “Extra Premium” (a nonsense in itself) this one has been aged in oak barrels for 4 years as opposed to 8 years for the Extra Premium. How this makes them both “Extra Premium” is beyond me. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca da Tulha Special Edition 2019

Cachaca da Tulha Special Edition 2019 rum review by the fat rum pirateCachaca da Tulha Special Edition 2019. In 1998 Vevo and Guto Quintella took over the São José do Mato Seco farm in Mococa, São Paulo.

By 2004 they had begun producing “traditional” Cachaca aged in native Brasilian woods – Carvalho and Jequitiba. The Quintella’s also set up a small “laboratory” for cachaca. In this laboratory they began experimenting with ageing cachaca in various wood such as Amburana, Balsam and European and American oak. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Sapucaia Real Extra Old Versao Limitada

Sapucaia Real XO Versao Limitada Rum Cachaca Review by the fat rum pirateSapucaia Real Extra Old Versao Limitada. Sapucaia are a Cachaca brand founded way back in 1933. Hailing from  Pindamonhangaba in the state of Sao Paulo. It was originally created by well known (at the time) entrepreneur Cicero da Silva Prado. It is still owned by the family.

The sugar cane estate and distillery is housed in the Vale do Paraiba. Sapucaia refers to a tropical tree in the Brasilian nut family Lecythidacae. The nut is shaped like a pot and contains edible seeds. It is grown largely as an ornamental tree due to its purple flowers. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Weber Haus 7 Madeiras Premium Cachaca Blend

Weber Haus 7 Madeiras Premium Cachaca Blend review by the fat rum pirateWeber Haus 7 Madeiras Premium Cachaca Blend. When we think of Madeira we probably think of the Portuguese island or even the fortified wine which hails from said island. However Madeira when translated from Portuguese (which is the official language in Brasil) to English it simply means wood.

So this cachaca is a blend of aged cachacas which have been aged in 7 different woods. Which is quite an interesting concept. I cannot recall trying a rum or cachaca or any other spirit for that matter which has as many different types of ageing in its blend. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Maria Joao Premium Cachaca Brasileira

Maria Joao Premium Cachaca Brasileira rum review by the fat rum pirateMaria Joao Cachaca Brasileira Amburana. This cachaca producer hails from Santa Rosa in Rio Grande du Sol state.

Maria Joao cachaca is named rather simply after the owner Joao and his wife Maria. The brand was introduced in order to make the family farm ran by João Adalberto dos Santos, more profitable and less reliant on the local markets. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Sebastiana Duas Barricas Quatro Anos

Cachaca Sebastiana Duas Barricas Quatro Anos rum review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Sebastiana Duas Barricas Quatro Anos. Hailing from the Alambique Santa Rufina, Rodovia, Sao Paulo state. The brand Sebastiana is fairly recent to the market but the distillery has been operational over 60 years.

Prior to the release of the Sebastiana brand in 2014, the distillery produced (and still does) Cachaca Faceira. It was the second generation of cachaca producers in the Mattos family who decided to enter what they term as the “Super Premium” cachaca market. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Vale Verde 12 Anos

Vale Verde 12 Anos Rum review by the fat rum pirateVale Verde 12 Anos. This cachaca has a very good reputation and is widely available (there is even a stockist here in the UK). It has won some quite prestigious awards since it’s release back in 2012.

Vale Verde 12 Anos is a 12 year old cachaca, which has been aged in European oak. It hails from Betim, Minas Gerais. A region well known for its excellent cachaca. The distillery is situated in “Vale Verde Alambique e Parque Ecologica” at Rua Ary Barbosa da Silva. This development houses the distillery which produced Vale Verde, a cachaca museum (which has over 2,000 cachacas on display) and a recreational/sight seeing park complete with man made waterfalls and various activities such as archery for visitors to enjoy. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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