Tag Archives: Scotland

Ninefold Distillery Barrel Aged Pure Single Rum – Release #1

Ninefold Distillery Barrel Aged Pure Single Rum - Release #1Ninefold Distillery Barrel Aged Pure Single Rum – Release #1. This is the first aged rum release from Scotland’s Ninefold Rum Distillery. It follows on from last years unaged  release of Pot Still Pure Single Rum.

The distillery is situated in the South of Scotland at Dormont Home Farm, near Dalton in Dumfries and Galloway. The distillery is house in a converted stone farm building. Their rums are produced on a Scottish made Copper Pot Still. Should you wish to learn more about Ninefold Distillery then their website is a good start. I also interviewed Kit Carruthers Head Distiller/Owner here. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

An Interview with Kit Carruthers – Ninefold Distillery

An Interview with Kit Carruthers - Ninefold Distillery by the fat rum pirateAn Interview with Kit Carruthers – Ninefold Distillery.

The Ninefold Distillery has only been active for just over a year. I have gotten to know Kit over the past year or so, through other Scottish Rum Producers such as Ross Bradley (Sugar House Rum) and Collin Van Schayk (J. Gow Rum).

Between them they are producing some of the best “home grown” rum in the British Isles. I have reviewed rum from all three of the above brands. I would heartily recommend reading over my reviews and perhaps picking up a bottle or two to try. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Top CBD Spirits Spiced Rum

Top CBD Spirits Spiced Rum review by the fat rum pirate Top CBD Spirits Spiced Rum. Top Beverages Limited are a new company set up by entrepeneurs Nick Pullen and Saf Ali. They have released no fewer than nine products, as part of their brand’s Top Beverages launch.

This Spiced Rum is one of three rum expressions they have released. Now, I will be perfectly honest at this stage that I was extremely sceptical about CBD infused or Hemp rum. The other rums in the series are a White Rum and a Mocha Flavoured Rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ninefold Distillery Scottish Pot Still Pure Single Rum

Ninefold Scottish Pot Still Pure Single Rum review by the fat rum pirateNinefold Distillery Scottish Pot Still Pure Single Rum. Here we have another rum from one of the current “hot beds” of Rum production – Scotland. More famous without doubt for their whiskies, small distilleries such as Ninefold have been popping up all over Scotland these last few years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

J. Gow Fading Light

J Gow Fading Light Rum Review by the fat rum pirateJ. Gow Fading Light  Something is happening up in Scotland – besides the casual attitude towards cardiac arrest and the terrible football. Over the past 2 to 3 years a number of rum brands and distilleries have burst out of that part of the world. Think Dark Matter, Sugar House and Wester. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Sugar House White Rum

Sugar House White Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Sugar House White Rum. I wrote a couple of years back now on the “Rise of the Micro Distiller” in the UK. A number of companies were setting up small, often one pot still operations and producing rum, with varying degrees of success. Some have long since left the game, meanwhile others are doing quite well for themselves. The English Spirit and Dark Matter are two of the success stories. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Dark Matter Spiced Rum

Dark Matter Spiced Rum review by the fat rum pirateDark Matter: Inspired by Science, Driven by Curiosty.  Is the tagline for this newly released Spiced Rum which hails from the less than Caribbean like island of Great Britain.  More precisely from Aberdeen, Scotland.

Yes that hotbed of rum production.  Dark Matter Distillery is actually the first rum producing distillery in Scotland.  When you consider how many distilleries there are in Scotland, over 100 it is perhaps (or perhaps not when you consider most if not all produce Whisky) surprising that none produce Rum.  Or at least they didn’t, until a few weeks ago……. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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