Tag Archives: Rum

An Interview with Johnny Drejer (Drecon.dk)

Johnny Dreyer drecon interview the fat rum pirateToday’s interviewee is Johnny Drejer, who has been publishing information regarding additives in rum since 2013. Specifically sugar using a Hydrometer method.

Johnny’s site is brief and to the point and I would strongly recommend spending time to read all the articles and information.  The site can be found at http://www.drecon.dk/ Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Pusser’s Navy Rum “Nelson’s Blood” Aged 15 Years

Pussers 15 Years Nelsons Blood review by the fat rum piratePusser’s “Nelson’s Blood” Aged 15 Years is their marquee expression.  I think, (and I will get this all confirmed) that the rum is a different blend to the Blue Label.  It is not just a more aged version of it.  However, I also understand that despite this it is still a blend of Trini rum with a hefty dose of the famous Port Mourant wooden still distillate. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bacardi Oakheart

image In 2011 after numerous “flavoured” expressions and a couple of rum “liqueurs” Bacardi finally released a Spiced rum to the market.  Except at only 35% they aren’t legally allowed to market it as a Spiced rum so it becomes a Smooth and Spiced Spirit Drink.

Oakheart takes its name from the charred white oak barrels that the rum, sorry spirit drink is housed in.  The rums contained within the blend are aged between 1-3 years.  Bacardi were hoping upon its release that the tagline “Oak and Coke” would be heard in bars all over the world.  I don’t think that has quite worked. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Brugal Anejo Superior Rum

Brugal Anejo Rum review by the fat rum pirateBrugal are one of the big three “B’s” in rum production on the Dominican Republic. (Barceló and Bermudez are the other two)  For those who do not know the Domician Republic is the politically divided island of Hispaniola.  The remaining part of the island is Haiti.

A couple of years ago Brugal began re-branding their slightly dated bottles.  This coincided (no doubt deliberately) as they began to expand into Europe.  Since the re-launch Brugal can now be seen in most style and cocktail bars in the UK.  More often than not it will be this rum and the XV which will be stocked. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva

Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva rum review by the fat rum pirateHere we have the cream of the crop of the Pampero line.  Aniversario Reserva Exclusiva.  For those not familiar with Pampero the other rums in the line up are the Pampero Anejo Especial and the difficult to find Pampero Seleccion 1938.  I have experience of the Anejo but I have yet to try the 1938.  It is very much a bottle which if I see I will buy instantly, such is its rarity in the UK and online. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Alnwick Rum

Alnwick Rum Spirit of Northumberland review by the Fat rum pirateThe Legendary Alnwick Rum no less.  The Spirit of Northumberland it proclaims.  Not much of a proclamation to make really.   I can’t think of a drink other than Newcastle Brown Ale the North East has produced, which is famous beyond its own counties borders.

We’re a funny little bunch up here in the North East of England.  When we aren’t watching our EPL soccer teams FC United of Newcastle and the Mackem Red and White Stripes, reading the Viz or eating Kebabs we are usually to be found boozing.  In actual fact we usually do most of these things pretty much at the same time……. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Hampden Estate Gold Jamaica Rum

Hampden Estate Gold Jamaica Rum review by the fat rum pirateHampden Estate along with Appleton Estate is one of the few remaining distilleries on Jamaica.  This rum is one of the very few offerings (two) the distillery produces which are bottled under the Hampden name.  For further information on the distillery (including its famous tours) please see their website. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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