Tag Archives: British

Morvenna White Rum

Morvenna White Rum review by the fat rum pirateMorvenna White Rum. This rum is produced in Bude, Cornwall, England by the Cornish Distilling Co.

The Cornish Distilling Co. is a collaboration between husband and wife team – Richard and Fionagh Harding who run the Norton Barton Artisan Food Village and Tom Read.

Tom who has a PhD in biochemistry and a keen love of cocktails and spirits, alongside side a barista and lifeguard background! Tom is the Head Distiller and is in charge of the day to day production of the rum and gin which is produced at the Cornish Distilling Co. The distillery is located in the Food Village. Which in turn is part of the Harding’s small holding in Cornwall. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ Great British Rum

Sir Ranulph Fiennes' Great British Rum Review by the fat rum pirateSir Ranulph Fiennes’ Great British Rum. Depending on your age and interests you may be more familiar with actor Ralph Fiennes – Ranulph and Ralph are cousins. Ralph is also a distant cousin of Prince Charles.

Sir Ranulph Fiennes is a World Famous British explorer and holder of several endurance records. For his latest venture he has teamed up with the English Spirit Distillery and Master Distiller Dr John Walters to create a British Rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

An Interview with Carl Stephenson – Elements Eight

Elements Eight Carl Stephension Interview Daiquiri rum by the fat rum pirateFor those of you who aren’t familiar with Elements Eight they are an Independent  British Spirits Company.  Elements Eight refers to the eight elements which make up their final product.  Elements Eight rums are also a blend of eight separate rums.

The company has been operating since 2006.  As well as celebrating their tenth year in business in 2016, Elements Eight have also re-designed and re-vamped their packaging and line up. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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