Tag Archives: Brasil

Cachaca Japi Classica

Cachaca Japi Classica Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Japi Classica. This cachaca hails from Itupeva, Sao Paulo. It is produced at the JP Distillery. Cachaca production at JP Distillery began as far back as 1890. However, in 1925 the property on which the distillery was housed was sold to an Italian immigrant Cyrineo Tonol.

Cyrineo decided that he wished to cultivate coffee as it was more lucrative so the distillery was deactived and the cultivation of coffee beans began. Unfortunately partly due to the US Stock Market crash and the resulting “Great Depression” demand and the price of coffee plummeted between 1929 and 1931. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Alambique Brasil Carvalho e Amburana

Cachaca Alambique Brasil Carvalho e Amburana review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Alambique Brasil Carvalho e Amburana. I have previously written about this brand’s Ouro cachaça. That cachaca is aged solely in Amburana wood. This cachaça is a blend aged in both Carvalho (oak) and Amburana.

Hailing from the Serra do Cadeado House of Cachaca in Ortigueira, Parana State. Cachaca Alambique Brasil Ouro is produced under the guidance of Master Blender Armando Del Bianco. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

That Boutique-y Cachaca Company Novo Fogo 3 Year Old

That Boutique-y Cachaca Company Novo Fogo 3 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateThat Boutique-y Cachaca Company Novo Fogo 3 Year Old. That Boutique-y Rum Company has re-named itself for this release. To reflect the fact that this is their first Independent bottling of cachaça. Well done to them we are on of the very few rum websites that have been really banging the drum for cachaça recently and will continue to do so! Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Velho Alambique Cabreuva

Velho Alambique Carbreuva cachaca rum review by the fat rum pirateVelho Alambique Cabreuva. We have covered Velho Alambique’s cachaça previously on the site. I reviewed the brands Ouro cachaça which was aged in a blend of native Brasilian woods and American oak. For more information the review is here.

This particular cachaça is noted as being in Cabreuva. Which is the name of a tree which is commonly found in Central and South America. The Cabrueva tree has also given its name to a city in Brasil. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Middas Reserva

Middas Reserva Cachaca rum review by the fat rum pirateMiddas Reserva. Few things in the rum and cachaça world surprise me. I think just about every gimmick has been tried by the numerous rum brands I have come across over the best 8 or so years. Step forward Middas Reserva cachaça.

Some of you may be familiar with the Swiss cinnamon schnapps Goldschlager – which distinguishes itself by having gold leaf floating in the mixture. To be fair in a clear schnapps the effect is quite good. In an aged cachaça? I’d need convincing. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Sagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Pura

Sagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Rum review by the fat rum pirateSagatiba Cristalina Cachaca Pura. In all honesty I had quite forgotten this brand of cachaça even existed. Way back in 2009 before I had really started any kind of rum or cachaça journey I enjoyed the occasional bottle of Bacardi. Back then that was “premium” to me and yes we are talking about the Carta Blanca and flavoured variants. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cachaca Indaiazinha

Cachaca Indaiazinha Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCachaca Indaiazinha. Today I continue my Cachaca journey with another cachaça from Salinas, Minas Gerais. For many the mecca of good artisanal cachaça. Once again we are looking at a spirit which in terms of presentation, seems quite “basic” and unspectacular.

This cachaça is very much in the same vein as Havana Aniso Santiago and Pirigibana. Long standing and well respected cachaça, much like Mount Gay XO or R.L Seale’s 10 Year Old from Barbadoas or Appleton 12 Year Old for a Jamaican standard, equivalent in the rum world. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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