Tag Archives: 2 star

Bacardi Reserva Limitada

Bacardi Reserva Limitada Rum Founders Reserve Rum Review by the fat rum pirateBacardi Reserva Limitada has long been Bacardi’s most “Premium” offering.  As seems to be the way with “Premium” rum producers rather than do anything remotely interesting, different or innovative they tend to just re-hash the same old thing.  Repeating the same things which initially gave them success.  Which kind of becomes a bit boring. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Cartavio Solera 12 Years

Ron Cartavio Solera 12 Rum Review by the fat rum piratRon Cartavio Solera 12 Years, hails like Paddington Bear from Peru. Whether it is deepest darkest Peru I am not quite sure but its definitely Peru.  Alongside Ron Cartavio sits Ron Millonario as Peru’s other notable rum.

Both rums are exported outside of Latin America and both Cartavio and Millonario are regularly available here in the UK.  I make no apologies for the title of this review – that is how the rum is labelled by the producers.  That is how I arrive at my titles, in an attempt to make things as clear as possible.  From a personal viewpoint I don’t think Solera 12 Years is clear in terms of the true age of this product.  Being honest its a crock of shit. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Cloven Hoof Spiced Rum

Cloven Hoof Spiced Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCloven Hoof Spiced Rum is made by Guilty Libations, here in the UK in Oxfordshire.  Anyone who has attended the various Rum Festivals that have sprung up all around the UK in the past year may be familiar with the brand.

It is hard to miss.  Big, bold and very brash!  Cloven Hoof Spiced rum is blend of Guyanese and Trini rums. Mixed with (and I quote) “a mysterious concoction of natural spices”.  The presentation is almost Heavy Metal. Their website has several “endorsements” from various bands I have never heard of.  Nor do I like the look of. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rabbie’s Rum Aged 17 Years – Uitvlugt by the Whisky Barrel

The Whisky Barrel Rabbie's Rum Utivlugt 17 Year Old Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRabbie’s Rum – named after Scotlands most famous poet Robert “Rabbie” Burns.  This particular rum was bottled by The Whisky Barrel and hails from the legendary and now defunct Uitvlugt (owt-fluct) Distillery.

One thing I have touched on before is the confusing and contradictory naming convention used by Independent bottlers when it comes to Guyanese (or even Guyanan rum – I’ve put that in as I know how it annoys Lance over at The Lone Caner). Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Vigia Gran Reserva 18 Anos

Ron Vigia Gran Reserva 18 Anos Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Vigia are a Cuban rum brand.  After that it all gets a bit more complicated. Once again trying to research a Cuban Rum is difficult – to be honest at times it gets pretty annoying. Nevertheless I’ve done my best and tried to patch together the limited information I can get about this Communist Export. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Caney Anejo Centuria

Ron Caney Anejo Centuria Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Caney Anejo Centuria – another Cuban rum I picked up in Spain.  Which seems to be the place to go if you want lower to mid level Cuban rum.  At a very reasonable price.

As with a lot of Cuban rums information is a little sketchy.  Some information online seem to suggest this a blend of rums aged between 5 and 9 years. Other resources denote it being a 7 year old rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Coruba White Rum

Coruba White Rum Review by the fat rum pirateCoruba White Rum.  They are a brand of rum with mixed origins.  Coruba Dark is popular and widely available in the US and New Zealand. Coruba are a Jamaican rum brand (the rum used is understood to come from Appleton Estate).

The brand itself also seems to have some Swiss roots.  It is for the US market owned by Campari.  Coruba have a number of young “mixing” style rums in their portfolio.  They have also branched out into the cheaper flavoured market. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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