Appleton Estate 1984 Hearts Collection. I’m going to get this out of the way now – I am extremely lucky to have been given the opportunity by Joy Spence (Appleton Estate) and Luca Gargano (Velier) to get the chance to try this particular rum. I must express my gratitude to them for sending me samples of both this and the 2003 Hearts edition. (As well as the 1990’s vintages they sent last year as well). Thank you much appreciated.
Blog Archives
Foursquare 2009. After a brief protest caused by an unfortunate lapse into something approaching O.C.D, I have decided to no longer add the “Rum Distillery” part to my reviews.
Foursquare themselves removed that part from the Exceptional Cask Series title a good while back. I think, possibly Foursquare 2007 was the first to do so. Though don’t quote me on that.
Dràm Mòr Single Cask Rum Clarendon Estate Aged 10 Years. The Dràm Mòr Group are a new bottler of Scotch Whisky and Rum, who hail from Bonny Scotland. Dumbarton to be exact. The group is headed up by husband and wife team Viktorija and Kenny Macdonald.
Dràm Mòr as well as being quite a fun little pun “dram more” means literally Big Whisky in Gaelic. The bottling I am reviewing today is a rum (obviously) and is one of 2 releases so far from the group.
That Boutique-y Rum Company Monymusk Distillery Aged 13 Years. I’ve a “Zoom Tasting” of Rum and Whisk(e)y later today, so I thought I would dig through my sample boxes and see if I had anything outstanding to review from That Boutique-y Rum Company.
I was quite surprised to come across this particular sample still intact. Today I am reviewing one That Boutique-y Rum Company’s older releases. You can actually still buy this particular bottling but it is in very short supply over at Master of Malt.
The Real Rum Co No1 Blend Cask Strength 13 Year Aged. If Companies House is correct then The Real Rum Co have been around since 2013. Up until this release they have focused on Spiced and Flavoured rums.
The Real Rum Co is ran by Freddie Hart, who has also brought brands such as Todka and Bombo to the UK market. I can hear the collective groans amongst you all…….bear with me.