Tag Archives: Rum

Cane Island Barbados Rum Aged 8 Years

Cane Island Rum Barbados 8 Years Old rum review by the fat rum piratCane Island are a relative newcomer to the market.  Last year they released a range of aged rums from Cuba, Barbados and Jamaica.  These were blends of rums from two different distilleries from each location.

This year they have followed those releases up with three more rums.  This time though they are all given definitive age statements on the bottles.  The rums hail from Barbados, Dominican Republic and Trinidad. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Rhum Neisson Extra Vieux

Neisson Extra Vieux Rum Review by the Fat Rum PirateRhum Neisson are a producer of Rhum Agricole from Martinique.  The Extra Vieux is one of Neisson’s aged products.  The company also produces a number of white rhums.

Rhum many rum producers they actually grow their own sugar cane on site. This is fairly common amongst Agricole producers due to the production methods required. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Classic Rum – Caroni 1997

Bristol Classic Rum Trinidad 1997 rum review by the fat rum pirateThe latest release from Bristol is this (near) Cask Strength effort from the Caroni Distillery.  Bristol have released a good few Caroni rums over the past few years.  Including their 1974 effort, which I have sadly yet to review.

Amongst these I seem to remember a Cask Strength Caroni which was possibly released for the Danish or European market only? Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bristol Classic Rum – Caribbean Collection

Bristol Caribbean Collection Rum Review by the fat rum pirateAnother Independent bottling and another rum from Bristol Classic Rum.  Bristol’s Caribbean Collection is actually a blend of Trini only rums.  As you can see from the bottle shot to the right.

This is Bristol’s “entry level” rum and it doesn’t come in the usual Bristol stubby style bottle instead it comes in a taller, thinner bar/wine style bottle.  You do however still get the full real cork stopper. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Compagnie des Indes St Lucia 13 Years

compagnie des indes 13 years old st lucia rum review by the fat rum pirateAnother offering from Florent Beuchart’s Compagnie de Indes.  This time we are in familiar territory for site as we look at another bottling from St Lucia.

CDI have been gaining a good reputation over the past couple of years.  Stand out packaging – complete with a lot of information, that their target audience will want. Some clever marketing ploys with a few amusingly named/presented blended rums such as Boulet de Canon and the Oktoberfest rum released in Germany. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Habitation Velier Forsyths WP 502

Another releaseHabitation Velier WP 502 Forsyths White Rum Review by the fat rum pirate Worthy Park from Habitation Velier.  This time we are seeing Velier partnering up with Worthy Park Estate in Jamaica for this release.

First up I will help with the title for this rum.  Fortunately as well as providing us with a rather confusing and slightly obscure title, Velier have also provided us with extensive notes on the production and origin of this rum. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

World’s End Rum – Dark Spiced

worlds-end-spiced-rum-dark-2World’s End Rum Dark Spiced.  Now if I was going from name alone I would assume that this Belgian Spiced Rum was after some of the Kraken’s market share.  Perhaps another a Black Magic style knock off?

Well yes and no.  For a start the rum certainly is like the Kraken – dark and indeed spiced.  However, the presentation does not seek to mimic the Kraken.  Even the illustrious Captain Morgan tried a similar knock off bottle for their Dark Spiced concoction. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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