Tag Archives: Barbancourt

That Boutique-y Rum Company Haiti 17 Year Old

That Boutique-y Rum Company Haiti 17 Year OldThat Boutique-y Rum Company Haiti 17 Year Old. This is the third release of Haitian rum from That Boutique-y Rum Company. Over the past few years the Haitian spirit scene has seen a bit growth and it has headed in a direction which few would have perhaps envisaged 10 years ago.

Please note, I have stated the Haitian spirit scene rather than the “R(h)um” scene. This is because unlike some other commentators I won’t try and pigeon hole the (mostly) unaged cane spirit produced by so many small/micro distilleries as “rum”. For the very simple reason that those producing the spirit do not refer to it as rum. They call it “Clairin” (with variations on the spelling) so like “Cachaca” I will stick to calling it as it is. Rather than what might suit me or the western world. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Plantation Haiti XO – White Pineau Finish

Plantation Haiti XO rum review by the fat rum pirate 2Plantation Haiti XO.  A Single Cask bottling for the Mercury Bar.  The Mercury Bar is a bar/restaurant in London W4 as far as I am aware anyway.  It could be a number of other places all around the world.  Until I’m told otherwise I’ll stick with the one in London.

Plantation Haiti XO is a rum from (I presume) Haitian distillery Barbancourt.  It was aged for 8 years in the tropical climate of Hait in ex-bourbon casks.  It was then transferred to France where it was aged for a further 3 years in White Pineau “Ferrand” casks.  White Pineau is a French Fortified Wine. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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