Tag Archives: Dark Rum

Ron Coloma 8 Anos

Ron Coloma 8 Anos Rum Review by the fat rum pirateRon Coloma 8 Anos. Ron Coloma are a rum brand from Colombia. They currently have two rums in their portfolio. Today, I am reviewing their 8 Year Old Rum but they also have an older 15 Year Old Rum.

Ron Coloma, hails from the Hacienda Coloma a Coffee Plantation in Fusagasuga, Central Colombia. Both the rum brand and the Hacienda Coloma have their own websites here and here. There are some interesting links to the likes of Parce Rum on the Hacienda’s website. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Ron Cristobal Nina 8-12 Y.O

Ron Cristobal Nina 8-12 Y.O Rum review by the fat rum pirateRon Cristobal Nina 8-12 Y.O. Here we have another Premium Rum from the Dominican Republic. Home of Brugal, Barceló and Bermudez rums.

There are currently two rums in the Ron Cristobal range – this the “Premium” version and Ron Cristobal Pinta which is a rum blend aged between 6-8 years. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

That Boutique-y Rum Company Blended Rum No.1 – Jamaica 9 Year Old Batch 1

That Boutique-y Rum Company Blended Rum No.1 - Jamaica 9 Year Old Batch 1 Rum Review by the fat rum pirateThat Boutique-y Rum Company Blended Rum No.1 – Jamaica 9 Year Old Batch 1. Nice short and snappy name for this particular rum from the sesquipedalian orators That Boutique-y Rum Company. Anyway I’ll get my head out of my Thesaurus and get this particular rum reviewed.

For the purposes of brevity I think we’ll call this one Blended Rum No.1 – Jamaica 9 Year. It’s a bit less of a mouthful. The SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) might not like me not using the full title but bugger it for this review. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Privateer International – Distillers Drawer New England Rum Bottled in Bond #31

Privateer International - Distillers Drawer New England Rum Bottled in Bond #31 rum review by the fat rum piratePrivateer International – Distillers Drawer New England Rum Bottled in Bond #31. Hailing from Ipswich, Boston Privateer are a rum company that have been making great waves over in the US of A. Founded by Andrew Cabot in 2011, their rums are overseen by Head Distiller Maggie Campbell.

Privateers rums occasionally find their way over here to the UK, usually in very small amount via The Whisky Exchange. As a result it had proved quite tricky to obtain their rums to review. I have Ivar over at Rum Revelations to thank for this rum, by way of our latest sample swap at London Rumfest. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Bumbu XO Rum

Bumbu XO Rum Review by the fat rum pirateBumbu XO Rum. Probably the most criticised “rum” over the past couple of years amongst more “serious” rum enthusiasts, has been Bumbu The Original.

However, amongst less serious rum imbibers, Bumbu The Original is hugely popular. Any drink which is stocked by supermarkets, for any length of time will be selling a fair few units. Bumbu The Original, I dare say is selling more than most. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Santos Dumont XO Rum

Santos Dumont XO Rum Review by the fat rum pirateSantos Dumont XO Rum. This rum is marketed as a Brasilian rum, rather than cachaca. Quite why this was the case I was initially unsure about. Fortunately, some research made some things a lot clearer. Whilst at the same time telling me very little…..

First up who might this Santos Dumont character be? Well, he was a World Famous Aviation pioneer, Noble Man, Celebrity and Style Icon, back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. His father Henri Dumont was known as the Coffee King of Brasil. As well as this rum there is also an Elixir released by the Santos Dumont brand. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

Stolen Overproof Rum


Stolen Overproof Rum review by the fat rum pirateStolen Overproof Rum. This is a rum which has been much spoken about on the other side of the pond. Much Like Doctor Bird it is an independent bottling of Jamaican rum, which the Yanks have been able to get their hands on ahead of their European counterparts. Which is pretty unusual in the grand scheme of things. Read more to see the fatrumpirate rating

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